Fishes of Sydney Harbour

Sydney Harbour has a very rich fish fauna. Nearly 600 species live in it, enter it, or are known from historic records.
Number of species (August 2018) = 596
This figure can be put into perspective when compared with 540 species recorded from the Mediterranean Sea (Helfman, Collette & Facey (2009) and 276 from UK coastal waters to a depth of 200 m (Crimmen pers.comm.).
The following list of fishes has mostly been extracted from the Australian Museum Ichthyology Database. It represents species for which the Australian Museum Fish Collection holds a specimen. It is not a definitive list but does cover the majority of species currently known to live in (or have swum into) the harbour.
Eighty two species of fishes were originally described from in and around Sydney. Of these, 49 are still considered valid species, the remainder are treated as junior synonyms. Twenty six of the 49 valid species are endemic to Australian waters. Only a single species, the Sydney Scorpionfish, is currently known only from inside Sydney Harbour.
As the fish fauna of Sydney Harbour continues to be investigated, additional species that represent new distributional records and new species will be added to this list. The description of the Sydney Scorpionfish by Motomura in 2004 highlights the fact that there is still much to learn about Sydney's wonderful harbour.
- Helfman, G.S, Collette, B.B., Facey, D.E. and B.W. Bowen. 2009. The diversity of fishes: biology, evolution and ecology. 2nd edn. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester. Pp. 720.
- Stead, D.G., 1963. Sharks and rays of Australian seas. Angus and Robertson, Sydney. Pp. 211.
Family | Family Common Name | Species | Species Common Name | Notes |
Acanthuridae | Surgeonfishes | Acanthurus dussumieri | Eyestripe Surgeonfish | close to southen limit |
Acanthuridae | Acanthurus olivaceus | Orangebloch Surgeonfish | close to southen limit | |
Acanthuridae | Acanthurus triostegus | Convict Surgeonfish | close to southen limit | |
Acanthuridae | Acanthurus xanthopterus | Yellowmask Surgeonfish | ||
Acanthuridae | Paracanthurus hepatus | Blue Tang | not included in species count | |
Acanthuridae | Prionurus maculatus | Spotted Sawtail | ||
Acanthuridae | Prionurus microlepidotus | Australian Sawtail | ||
Ambassidae | Glassfishes | Ambassis jacksoniensis | Port Jackson glassfish | |
Ambassidae | Ambassis marianus | Estuary Glassfish | ||
Anguillidae | Freshwater Eels | Anguilla australis | Shortfin Eel | |
Anguillidae | Anguilla reinhardtii | Longfinned Eel | ||
Antennariidae | Anglerfishes | Antennarius coccineus | Freckled Anglerfish | southern limit |
Antennariidae | Antennarius commerson | Giant Anglerfish | close to southen limit | |
Antennariidae | Antennarius hispidus | Shaggy Anglerfish | southern limit | |
Antennariidae | Antennarius pictus | Painted Anglerfish | ||
Antennariidae | Antennarius striatus | Striate Anglerfish | ||
Antennariidae | Histrio histrio | Sargassum Anglerfish | close to southen limit | |
Antennariidae | Porophryne erythrodactylus | Red-fingered Anglerfish | ||
Aploactinidae | Velvetfishes | Aploactisoma milesii | Southern Velvetfish | |
Aploactinidae | Cocotropus microps | Patchwork Velvetfish | ||
Aploactinidae | Paraploactis trachyderma | Bearded Velvetfish | ||
Aplodactylidae | Seacarps | Aplodactylus lophodon | Rock Cale | |
Apogonidae | Cardinalfishes | Apogon angustatus | Broadstripe Cardinalfish | close to southen limit |
Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus aureus | Ringtail Cardinalfish | southern limit | |
Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus capricornis | Capricorn Cardinalfish | ||
Apogonidae | Apogon crassiceps | Ruby Cardinalfish | southern limit | |
Apogonidae | Apogon cyanosoma | Orangeline Cardinalfish | close to southen limit | |
Apogonidae | Apogon doederleini | Fourline Cardinalfish | close to southen limit | |
Apogonidae | Apogon fraenatus | Spinyeye Cardinalfish | close to southen limit | |
Apogonidae | Apogon hartzfeldi | Silverline Cardinalfish | close to southen limit | |
Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus limenus | Sydney Cardinalfish | ||
Apogonidae | Apogon nigripinnis | Two-eye Cardinalfish | ||
Apogonidae | Apogon semiornatus | Halfband Cardinalfish | close to southen limit | |
Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus | Five-lined Cardinalfish | close to southen limit | |
Apogonidae | Foa yamba | Yamba Cardinalfish | photo record | |
Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus fasciatus | Striped Cardinalfish | ||
Apogonidae | Pseudamia gelatinosa | Gelatinous Cardinalfish | close to southen limit | |
Apogonidae | Siphamia cephalotes | Wood's Siphonfish | ||
Apogonidae | Siphamia roseigaster | Pinkbreast Siphonfish | ||
Apogonidae | Vincentia novaehollandiae | Eastern Gobbleguts | ||
Ariidae | Fork-tailed Catfishes | Netuma thalassina | Giant Sea Catfish | |
Arripidae | Australian Salmons | Arripis georgianus | Australian Herring | |
Arripidae | Arripis trutta | Eastern Australian Salmon | ||
Atherinidae | Hardyheads | Atherinason hepsetoides | Smallscale Hardyhead | |
Atherinidae | Atherinomorus vaigiensis | Ogilby's Hardyhead | ||
Atherinidae | Atherinosoma microstoma | Smallmouth Hardyhead | ||
Aulopidae | Sergeant Bakers | Hime purpurissatus | Sergeant Baker | |
Balistidae | Triggerfishes | Sufflamen chrysopterum | Eye-stripe Triggerfish | close to southen limit |
Balistidae | Sufflamen fraenatum | Bridled Triggerfish | close to southen limit | |
Batrachoididae | Frogfishes | Batrachomoeus dubius | Eastern Frogfish | close to southen limit |
Belonidae | Longtoms | Ablennes hians | Barred Longtom | |
Belonidae | Strongylura leiura | Slender Longtom | ||
Belonidae | Tylosurus gavialoides | Stout Longtom | ||
Berycidae | Alfonsinos | Centroberyx affinis | Redfish (Nannygai) | |
Blenniidae | Blennies | Aspidontus taeniatus | False Cleanerfish | |
Blenniidae | Istiblennius meleagris | Peacock Rockskipper | ||
Blenniidae | Omobranchus anolius | Oyster Blenny | ||
Blenniidae | Omobranchus rotundiceps | Rotund Blenny | ||
Blenniidae | Parablennius intermedius | Horned Blenny | ||
Blenniidae | Parablennius tasmanianus | Tasmanian Blenny | ||
Blenniidae | Petroscirtes fallax | Yellow Sabretooth Blenny | southern limit | |
Blenniidae | Petroscirtes lupus | Brown Sabretooth Blenny | ||
Blenniidae | Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos | Bluestriped Fangblenny | close to southen limit | |
Blenniidae | Plagiotremus tapeinosoma | Piano Fangblenny | ||
Blenniidae | Xiphasia setifer | Hairtail Blenny | ||
Bothidae | Lefteye Flounders | Arnoglossus fisoni | Fisons Flounder | |
Bothidae | Crossorhombus howensis | Lord Howe Flounder | Australian Museum specimen | |
Bothidae | Engyprosopon grandisquama | Spot-tail wide-eye Flounder | ||
Bothidae | Lophonectes gallus | Crested Flounder | ||
Brachaeluridae | Blind Sharks | Brachaelurus waddi | Blindshark | |
Bramidae | Pomfrets | Pteraclis velifera | Southern Fanfish | |
Bythitidae | Bortulas | Brosmophyciops pautzkei | Slimy Cuskeel | tropical species - one southern record |
Bythitidae | Dermatopsis macrodon | Eastern Yellow Blindfish | ||
Bythitidae | Monothrix polylepis | Littoral Cusk | ||
Callanthiidae | Splendid Perches | Callanthias allporti | Rosy Perch | |
Callionymidae | Dragonets | Eocallionymus papilio | Painted Stinkfish | |
Callionymidae | Foetorepus calauropomus | Common Stinkfish | ||
Callionymidae | Orbonymus rameus | Whitespotted Dragonet | ||
Callionymidae | Repomucenus calcaratus | Spotted Dragonet | ||
Callionymidae | Repomucenus limiceps | Rough-head Dragonet | ||
Callorhynchidae | Elephantfishes | Callorhinchus milii | Elephantfish | young or females laying egg cases in Spring |
Carangidae | Trevallies | Alectis ciliaris | Pennantfish | |
Carangidae | Carangoides orthogrammus | Thicklip Trevally | ||
Carangidae | Caranx ignobilis | Giant Trevally | ||
Carangidae | Caranx sexfasciatus | Bigeye Trevally | ||
Carangidae | Decapterus muroadsi | Temperate Scad | ||
Carangidae | Megalaspis cordyla | Finny Scad | ||
Carangidae | Naucrates ductor | Pilotfish | close to southen limit | |
Carangidae | Pseudocaranx georgianus | Araara | was Silver Trevally, P. dentex | |
Carangidae | Seriola dumerili | Amberjack | ||
Carangidae | Seriola hippos | Samson fish | ||
Carangidae | Seriola lalandi | Yellowtail Kingfish | Carangidae | |
Carangidae | Trachinotus baillonii | Smallspot Dart | close to southen limit | |
Carangidae | Trachinotus blochii | Snubnose Dart | close to southen limit | |
Carangidae | Trachurus declivis | Common Jack Mackerel | Carangidae | |
Carangidae | Trachurus novaezelandiae | Yellowtail Scad | ||
Carangidae | Uraspis secunda | Cottonmouth Trevally | ||
Carapidae | Pearlfishes | Echiodon rendahli | Messmate Fish | |
Carcharhinidae | Whaler Sharks | Carcharhinus brachyurus | Bronze Whaler | |
Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus falciformis | Silky Shark | ||
Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus leucas | Bull Shark | Carcharhinidae | |
Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus obscurus | Dusky Shark | ||
Carcharhinidae | Galeocerdo cuvier | Tiger Shark | close to southen limit | |
Centrolophidae | Butterfishes | Seriolella brama | Blue Warehou | |
Cepolidae | Bandfishes | Cepola australis | Australian Bandfish | |
Chaetodontidae | Butterflyfishes | Chaetodon auriga | Threadfin Butterflyfish | close to southen limit |
Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon flavirostris | Dusky Butterflyfish | ||
Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon guentheri | Günther's Butterflyfish | ||
Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon kleinii | Klein's Butterflyfish | close to southen limit | |
Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon lunula | Racoon Butterflyfish | ||
Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon melannotus | Blackback Butterflyfish | close to southen limit | |
Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon ulietensis | Doublesaddle Butterflyfish | close to southen limit | |
Chaetodontidae | Chelmon rostratus | Beaked Coralfish | ||
Chaetodontidae | Chelmonops truncatus | Eastern Talma | ||
Chaetodontidae | Heniochus acuminatus | Longfin Bannerfish | close to southen limit | |
Chaetodontidae | Heniochus diphreutes | Schooling Bannerfish | close to southen limit | |
Chaetodontidae | Parachaetodon ocellatus | Ocellate Butterflyfish | close to southen limit | |
Chanidae | Milkfish | Chanos chanos | Milkfish | close to southen limit |
Cheilodactylidae | Morwongs | Cheilodactylus fuscus | Red Morwong | |
Cheilodactylidae | Cheilodactylus nigripes | Magpie Perch | Northern limit | |
Cheilodactylidae | Cheilodactylus spectabilis | Banded Morwong | ||
Cheilodactylidae | Cheilodactylus vestitus | Crested Morwong | ||
Cheilodactylidae | Dactylophora nigricans | Dusky Morwong | ||
Cheilodactylidae | Nemadactylus douglasii | Grey Morwong | ||
Cheilodactylidae | Nemadactylus macropterus | Jackass Morwong | ||
Chironemidae | Kelpfishes | Chironemus marmoratus | Kelpfish | |
Cirrhitidae | Hawkfishes | Cirrhitichthys aprinus | Blotched Hawkfish | |
Cirrhitidae | Cirrhitichthys falco | Dwarf Hawkfish | close to southen limit | |
Cirrhitidae | Cyprinocirrhites polyactis | Lyre-tail Hawkfish | ||
Clinidae | Weedfishes | Cristiceps argyropleura | Silverside Weedfish | |
Clinidae | Cristiceps aurantiacus | Golden Weedfish | ||
Clinidae | Cristiceps australis | Crested Weedfish | ||
Clinidae | Heteroclinus heptaeolus | Ogilby's weedfish | ||
Clinidae | Heteroclinus nasutus | Largenose Weedfish | ||
Clinidae | Heteroclinus roseus | Rosy Weedfish | ||
Clinidae | Heteroclinus whiteleggii | Whitelegg's Weedfish | ||
Clupeidae | Herrings | Etrumeus teres | Maray | |
Clupeidae | Herklotsichthys castelnaui | Southern Sprat | ||
Clupeidae | Herklotsichthys koningsbergeri | Largespotted Herring | ||
Clupeidae | Hyperlophus translucidus | Glassy Sprat | ||
Clupeidae | Hyperlophus vittatus | Sandy Sprat | ||
Clupeidae | Sardinops sagax | Australian Pilchard | ||
Clupeidae | Spratelloides robustus | Blue Sprat | ||
Congridae | Conger Eels | Conger verreauxi | Southern Conger | |
Congridae | Conger wilsoni | Eastern Conger | ||
Congridae | Gnathophis longicaudus | Little Conger | ||
Coryphaenidae | Dolphinfishes, Mahi Mahi | Coryphaena hippurus | Mahi Mahi | |
Creediidae | Sandburrowers | Creedia haswelli | Slender Sandburrower | |
Creediidae | Creedia partimsquamigera | Half-scale Sandburrower | ||
Cynoglossidae | Tongue Soles | Paraplagusia bilineata | Lemon Tongue-sole | |
Cyprinidae | Carps | Carassius auratus | Goldfish | Primarily freshwater |
Dactylopteridae | Flying Gurnards | Dactyloptena orientalis | Purple Flying Gurnard | |
Dasyatidae | Stingrays | Dasyatis brevicaudata | Smooth Stingray | |
Dasyatidae | Dasyatis fluviorum | Estuary Stingray | southen limit | |
Dasyatidae | Neotrygon kuhlii | Bluespotted Maskray | southern limit | |
Dinolestidae | Longfin Pikes | Dinolestes lewini | Long-finned Pike | |
Diodontidae | Porcupinefishes | Dicotylichthys punctulatus | Three-bar Porcupinefish | |
Diodontidae | Diodon holocanthus | Freckled Porcupinefish | ||
Diodontidae | Diodon hystrix | Black-spotted Porcupinefish | ||
Echeneidae | Suckerfishes | Echeneis naucrates | Slender Suckerfish | close to southern limit |
Echeneidae | Remora remora | Remora | ||
Eleotridae | Gobiomorphus australis | Striped Gudgeon | freshwater species | |
Eleotridae | Gobiomorphus coxii | Cox's Gudgeon | freshwater species | |
Eleotridae | Hypseleotris compressa | Empire Gudgeon | freshwater species | |
Eleotridae | Hypseleotris galii | Firetailed Gudgeon | freshwater species | |
Eleotridae | Philypnodon grandiceps | Flathead Gudgeon | freshwater species | |
Eleotridae | Philypnodon macrostomus | Dwarf Flathead Gudgeon | freshwater species | |
Elopidae | Ladyfishes | Elops hawaiensis | Giant Herring | southern limit |
Engraulididae | Anchovies | Engraulis australis | Australian anchovy | |
Enoplosidae | Old Wife | Enoplosus armatus | Old Wife | |
Ephippididae | Batfishes | Platax teira | Teira Batfish | close to southen limit |
Exocoetidae | Flyingfishes | Cheilopogon pinnatibarbatus | Tallfin Flyingfish | close to southen limit |
Exocoetidae | Cypselurus hexazona | Darkbar Flyingfish | ||
Exocoetidae | Hirundichthys oxycephalus | Bony Flyingfish | southern limit | |
Exocoetidae | Hirundichthys speculiger | Mirrorwing Flyingfish | southern limit | |
Fistulariidae | Flutemouths | Fistularia commersonii | Smooth Flutemouth | |
Fistulariidae | Fistularia petimba | Rough Flutemouth | ||
Galaxiidae | Galaxids | Galaxias maculatus | Common Galaxias | primarily freshwater |
Gempylidae | Gemfishes | Thyrsites atun | Barracouta | |
Gerreidae | Silverbiddies | Gerres subfasciatus | Common Silverbiddy | |
Glaucosomidae | Pearl Perches | Glaucosoma scapulare | Pearl Perch | |
Gobiesocidae | Clingfishes | Alabes dorsalis | Common Shore-eel | |
Gobiesocidae | Aspasmogaster costata | Pink Clingfish | ||
Gobiesocidae | Cochleoceps orientalis | Eastern Cleaner-clingfish | ||
Gobiidae | Gobies | Acanthogobius flavimanus | Yellowfin Goby | Introduced species |
Gobiidae | Acentrogobius pflaumii | Striped Sandgoby | Introduced species | |
Gobiidae | Afurcagobius tamarensis | Tamar Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Amblygobius phalaena | Whitebarred Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Arenigobius bifrenatus | Bridled Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Arenigobius frenatus | Half-bridled Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Asterropteryx semipunctatus | Starry Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Bathygobius cocosensis | Cocos Frillgoby | ||
Gobiidae | Bathygobius krefftii | Krefft's Frillgoby | ||
Gobiidae | Callogobius depressus | Flathead Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Callogobius mucosus | Sculptured Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Cryptocentroides gobioides | Crested Oyster Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Eviota albolineata | Whitelined Eviota | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Eviota sparsa | Sparse Eviota | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Favonigobius exquisitus | Exquisite Sandgoby | ||
Gobiidae | Favonigobius lentiginosus | Eastern Longfin-goby | F. lateralis is a southern sp. | |
Gobiidae | Gnatholepis anjerensis | Shoulder-spot Sandgoby | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Gobiopterus semivestitus | Glassgoby | ||
Gobiidae | Istigobius hoesei | Hoese's Sandgoby | ||
Gobiidae | Mugilogobius platynotus | Flat-backed Mangrove-goby | ||
Gobiidae | Mugilogobius stigmaticus | Black-spot Mangrove-goby | close to southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Nesogobius pulchellus | Sailfin Goby | northern limit | |
Gobiidae | Pandaka lidwilli | Lidwill's Dwarfgoby | ||
Gobiidae | Pleurosicya bilobata | Seagrass Ghost-goby | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Pleurosicya mossambica | Many-host Ghostgoby | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Priolepis cincta | Girdled Reef-goby | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Priolepis nuchifasciata | Threadfin Reef-goby | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Pseudogobius sp 9 | Blue-spot Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Redigobius macrostoma | Largemouth Goby | ||
Gobiidae | Tridentiger trigonocephalus | Trident Goby | Introduced from Japan, northern limit | |
Gobiidae | Trimma necopina | Australian Pygmygoby | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Valenciennea helsdingenii | Black-lined Sleeper Goby | southern limit | |
Gobiidae | Valenciennea immaculata | Immaculate Glidergoby | southern limit | |
Gonorynchidae | Beaked Salmons | Gonorynchus greyi | Beaked Salmon | |
Haemulidae | Sweetlips | Diagramma pictum | Painted Sweetlips | |
Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus | Goldspotted Sweetlips | ||
Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus gibbosus | Brown Sweetlips | southern limit | |
Hemiramphidae | Garfishes | Arrhamphus sclerolepis | Snubnose Garfish | southern limit |
Hemiramphidae | Hemiramphus robustus | Three-by-two Garfish | ||
Hemiramphidae | Hyporhamphus australis | Eastern Sea Garfish | ||
Hemiramphidae | Hyporhamphus regularis | River Garfish | ||
Hemiscylliidae | Longtail Carpet Sharks | Hemiscyllium ocellatum | Epaulette Shark | southern limit |
Heterodontidae | Horn Sharks | Heterodontus galeatus | Crested Horn Shark | |
Heterodontidae | Heterodontus portusjacksoni | Port Jackson Shark | ||
Hexanchidae | Sevengill Sharks | Notorynchus cepedianus | Broadnosed Sevengill Shark | |
Holocentridae | Squirrelfishes | Myripristis berndti | Bigscale Soldierfish | southern limit |
Holocentridae | Ostichthys japonicus | Giant Squirrelfish | ||
Hypnidae | Coffin Rays | Hypnos monopterygius | Coffin Ray | |
Istiophoridae | Billishes | Istiophorus sp. Probably I.platypterus | Sailfish | |
Istiophoridae | Makaira or Istiompax sp. species uncertain | Marlin | ||
Kyphosidae | Drummers | Atypichthys strigatus | Australian Mado | |
Kyphosidae | Girella cyanea | Bluefish | close to southern limit | |
Kyphosidae | Girella elevata | Rock Blackfish | ||
Kyphosidae | Girella tricuspidata | Luderick | ||
Kyphosidae | Girella zebra | Zebrafish | ||
Kyphosidae | Kyphosus sydneyanus | Silver Drummer | ||
Kyphosidae | Microcanthus strigatus | Stripey | ||
Kyphosidae | Scorpis lineolata | Silver Sweep | ||
Kyphosidae | Scorpis violacea | Violet Sweep | ||
Labridae | Wrasses | Achoerodus viridis | Eastern Blue Groper | |
Labridae | Anampses caeruleopunctatus | Diamond Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Anampses elegans | Elegant Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Anampses geographicus | Scribbled Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Austrolabrus maculatus | Black-spotted Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Bodianus axillaris | Axilspot Hogfish | ||
Labridae | Bodianus flavipinnis | Yellowfin Pigfish | ||
Labridae | Bodianus frenchii | Foxfish | ||
Labridae | Bodianus perditio | Goldspot Pigfish | southern limit | |
Labridae | Bodianus unimaculatus | Pigfish | ||
Labridae | Choerodon cephalotes | Purple Tuskfish | southern limit | |
Labridae | Cirrhilabrus punctatus | Fine-spotted Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Coris aurilineata | Goldlined Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Coris dorsomacula | Pink-lined Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Coris picta | Comb Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Coris sandeyeri | Eastern King Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Eupetrichthys angustipes | Snakeskin Wrasse | ||
Labridae (Odacinae) | Haletta semifasciata | Blue Weed-whiting | northern limit | |
Labridae | Halichoeres hartzfeldi | Orangeline Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Halichoeres hortulanus | Checkerboard Wrasse | southen limit | |
Labridae | Halichoeres marginatus | Dusky Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Halichoeres nebulosus | Nebulous Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Halichoeres prosopeion | Twotone Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Hemigymnus melapterus | Thicklip Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae (Odacinae) | Heteroscarus acroptilus | Rainbow Cale | ||
Labridae | Iniistius jacksonensis | Keel-head Razorfish | southern limit | |
Labridae | Labroides dimidiatus | Common Cleanerfish | ||
Labridae | Leptojulis cyanopleura | Shoulderspot Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Macropharyngodon negrosensis | Black Leopard-Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae (Odacinae) | Neoodax balteatus | Little Weed Whiting | ||
Labridae | Notolabrus fucicola | Purple Wrasse | northern limit | |
Labridae | Notolabrus gymnogenis | Crimsonband Wrasse | ||
Labridae (Odacinae) | Odax cyanomelas | Herring Cale | ||
Labridae | Ophthalmolepis lineolatus | Maori Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Oxycheilinus bimaculatus | Twospot Maori Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Oxycheilinus nigromarginatus | Blackmargin Maori Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Pictilabrus laticlavius | Senator Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Pseudojuloides elongatus | Long Green Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Pseudolabrus guentheri | Gunther's wrasse | ||
Labridae | Pseudolabrus luculentus | Luculentus Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Pteragogus enneacanthus | Cockerel Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Stethojulis interrupta | Brokenline Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Stethojulis strigiventer | Silverstreak Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Suezichthys arquatus | Painted Rainbow Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Suezichthys devisi | Australian Rainbow Wrasse | ||
Labridae | Suezichthys gracilis | Slender Rainbow Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Thalassoma amblycephalum | Bluntheaded Wrasse | southern limit | |
Labridae | Thalassoma lunare | Moon Wrasse | ||
Lamnidae | Mackerel sharks | Carcharodon carcharias | White Shark | One only from Watsons Bay (Stead, 1963) |
Lamnidae | Isurus oxyrinchus | Shortfin Mako | ||
Latridae | Trumpeters | Latridopsis forsteri | Bastard Trumpeter | |
Leiognathidae | Ponyfishes | Photoplagios moretoniensis | Zig-zag Ponyfish | southern limit |
Leptoscopidae | Sandfishes | Lesueurina platycephala | Flathead Sandfish | |
Lethrinidae | Emperors | Lethrinus genivittatus | Threadfin Emperor | |
Lethrinidae | Lethrinus miniatus | Redthroat Emperor | southern limit | |
Lethrinidae | Lethrinus nebulosus | Spangled emperor | close to southern limit | |
Limnichthyidae | Sanddivers | Limnichthys fasciatus | Tommyfish | |
Lobotidae | Tripletails | Lobotes surinamensis | Tripletail | southern limit |
Lophiidae | Goosefishes | Lophiomus setigerus | Broadhead Goosefish | |
Lutjanidae | Coral Snappers, Fusiliers | Lutjanus adetii | Hussar | southern limit |
Lutjanidae | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | Mangrove Jack | southern limit | |
Lutjanidae | Lutjanus fulviflamma | Blackspot Snapper | Juvenile well south of normal range | |
Lutjanidae | Lutjanus fulvus | Blacktail Snapper | southern limit | |
Lutjanidae | Lutjanus kasmira | Bluestripe Seaperch | southern limit | |
Lutjanidae | Lutjanus quinquelineatus | Five-line Snapper | southern limit | |
Lutjanidae | Lutjanus russellii | Moses' Snapper | close to southern limit | |
Lutjanidae | Paracaesio xanthura | False Fusilier | ||
Lutjanidae | Pterocaesio chrysozona | Yellowband Fusilier | southern limit | |
Lutjanidae | Pterocaesio digramma | Doubleline Fusilier | southern limit | |
Macrorhamphosidae | Bellowsfishes | Macroramphosus gracilis | Little Bellowsfish | |
Macrorhamphosidae | Macroramphosus scolopax | Common Bellowsfish | ||
Megalopidae | Oxeye Herrings | Megalops cyprinoides | Oxeye Herring | |
Microdesmidae | Dartfishes | Parioglossus marginalis | Blackmargin Dartfish | very restricted distribution |
Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris hanae | Thread-tail Dartgoby | southern limit | |
Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris microlepis | Greeneye Dartgoby | southern limit | |
Mobulidae | Manta Rays | Manta alfredi | Alfred Manta | |
Molidae | Sunfishes | Mola mola | Ocean Sunfish | |
Monacanthidae | Leatherjackets | Acanthaluteres spilomelanurus | Bridled Leatherjacket | close to northern limit |
Monacanthidae | Acanthaluteres vittiger | Toothbrush Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Aluterus monoceros | Unicorn Leatherjacket | southern limit | |
Monacanthidae | Aluterus scripta | Scribbled Leatherjacket | southern limit | |
Monacanthidae | Brachaluteres jacksonianus | Southern Pygmy Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Chaetodermis penicilligera | Tasselled Leatherjacket | southern limit | |
Monacanthidae | Eubalichthys mosaicus | Mosaic Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Meuschenia flavolineata | Yellowstriped Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Meuschenia freycineti | Six-spine Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Meuschenia scaber | Velvet Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Meuschenia trachylepis | Yellow-finned Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Meuschenia venusta | Stars and Stripes Leatherjacket | northern limit | |
Monacanthidae | Monacanthus chinensis | Fan-bellied Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Nelusetta ayraud | Ocean Jacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Paraluteres prionurus | Mimic Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus filicauda | Threadfin Leatherjacket | ||
Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus lowei | Lowe's Leatherjacket | Often referred to as P. otisensis | |
Monacanthidae | Pervagor janthinosoma | Gillblotch Leatherjacket | southern limit | |
Monacanthidae | Pervagor melanocephalus | Blackhead Leatherjacket | southern limit | |
Monacanthidae | Scobinichthys granulatus | Rough Leatherjacket | ||
Monocentrididae | Pineapplefishes | Cleidopus gloriamaris | Pineapplefish | |
Monodactylidae | Pomfrets | Monodactylus argenteus | Diamondfish | |
Monodactylidae | Schuettea scalaripinnis | Eastern Pomfred | ||
Moridae | Morid Cods | Lotella rhacina | Beardie | |
Moridae | Pseudophycis barbata | Bearded Rock Cod | ||
Moridae | Pseudophycis breviuscula | Bastard Red Cod | ||
Mugilidae | Mullets | Liza argentea | Goldspot Mullet | |
Mugilidae | Mugil cephalus | Sea Mullet | ||
Mugilidae | Myxus elongatus | Sand Mullet | ||
Mugilidae | Valamugil georgii | Fantail Mullet | ||
Mullidae | Goatfishes | Parupeneus barberinoides | Bicolour Goatfish | southern limit |
Mullidae | Parupeneus barberinus | Dash-dot Goatfish | southern limit | |
Mullidae | Parupeneus ciliatus | Diamondscale Goatfish | southern limit | |
Mullidae | Parupeneus spilurus | Blacksaddle Goatfish | ||
Mullidae | Upeneichthys lineatus | Bluestriped Goatfish | ||
Mullidae | Upeneus australiae | Australian Goatfish | ||
Muraenesocidae | Pike Eels | Muraenesox bagio | Common Pike Eel | |
Muraenidae | Moray Eels | Gymnothorax cribroris | Sieve-patterned Moray | southern limit |
Muraenidae | Gymnothorax kidako | Kidako Moray | From Parsley Bay. Id: E. Böhlke, 1999. | |
Muraenidae | Gymnothorax minor | Lesser Moray | ||
Muraenidae | Gymnothorax prasinus | Green Moray | ||
Muraenidae | Gymnothorax prionodon | Saw-tooth Moray | ||
Myliobatididae | Eagle Rays | Myliobatis australis | Southern Eagle Ray | |
Narcinidae | Numbfishes | Narcine tasmaniensis | Tasmanian numbfish | |
Nemipteridae | Threadfin Breams | Nemipterus theodorei | Theodore's Threadfin-bream | southern limit |
Nemipteridae | Pentapodus aureofasciatus | Yellowstripe Threadfin Bream | ||
Nemipteridae | Pentapodus paradiseus | Paradise Threadfin Bream | southern limit | |
Nemipteridae | Scolopsis bilineata | Two-line Monocle Bream | southern limit | |
Nemipteridae | Scolopsis monogramma | Rainbow Monocle-bream | southern limit | |
Nomeidae | Driftfishes | Nomeus gronovii | Bluebottle-fish | |
Nomeidae | Psenes pellucidus | Scissortail | ||
Odontaspididae | Sand Tiger Sharks | Carcharias taurus | Greynurse Shark | |
Ophichthidae | Snake Eels | Malvoliophis pinguis | Halfband Snake Eel | |
Ophichthidae | Ophisurus serpens | Serpent Eel | ||
Ophichthidae | Scolecenchelys australis | Shortfin Worm Eel | Oftern referred to as Muraenichthys australis | |
Opistognathidae | Jawfishes | Opistognathus jacksoniensis | Southern Smiler | southern limit |
Orectolobidae | Wobbegongs | Orectolobus halei | Banded Carpet Shark | |
Orectolobidae | Orectolobus maculatus | Spotted Wobbegong | ||
Ostraciidae | Boxfishes | Anoplocapros inermis | Eastern Smooth Boxfish | |
Ostraciidae | Lactoria cornuta | Longhorn Cowfish | ||
Ostraciidae | Lactoria diaphana | Roundbelly Cowfish | ||
Ostraciidae | Lactoria fornasini | Thorny-back Cowfish | ||
Ostraciidae | Ostracion cubicus | Yellow Boxfish | ||
Ostraciidae | Tetrosomus reipublicae | Turretfish | ||
Paralichthyidae | Sand Flounders | Pseudorhombus arsius | Largetooth Flounder | |
Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus jenynsii | Smalltooth Flounder | ||
Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus tenuirastrum | Slender Flounder | ||
Pataecidae | Red Indian Fish | Pataecus fronto | Red Indian Fish | record based on video clip |
Pegasidae | Seamoths | Eurypegasus draconis | Little Dragonfish | close to southern limit |
Pegasidae | Pegasus volitans | Slender Seamoth | ||
Pempheridae | Bullseyes | Pempheris affinis | Black-tipped Bullseye | |
Pempheridae | Pempheris compressa | Small-scale Bullseye | ||
Pempheridae | Pempheris multiradiata | Common Bullseye | ||
Pentacerotidae | Boarfishes | Paristiopterus labiosus | Giant Boarfish | |
Pentacerotidae | Zanclistius elevatus | Blackspot Boarfish | ||
Percichthyidae | Basses, Cods | Macquaria colonorum | Estuary Perch | |
Percophidae | Duckbills | Percophidae | Duckbill | larval specimen |
Pinguipedidae | Grubfishes | Parapercis australis | Southern Grubfish | |
Pinguipedidae | Parapercis binivirgata | Redbanded Grubfish | ||
Pinguipedidae | Parapercis nebulosa | Pink-banded Grubfish | southern limit | |
Pinguipedidae | Parapercis ramsayi | Spotted Grubfish | ||
Pinguipedidae | Parapercis stricticeps | Whitestreak Grubfish | ||
Platycephalidae | Flatheads | Ambiserrula jugosa | Mud Flathead | close to southern limit |
Platycephalidae | Platycephalus bassensis | Sand Flathead | ||
Platycephalidae | Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus | Eastern Blue-spotted Flathead | ||
Platycephalidae | Platycephalus endrachtensis | Northern Sand Flathead | ||
Platycephalidae | Platycephalus fuscus | Dusky Flathead | ||
Platycephalidae | Platycephalus longispinis | Longspine Flathead | ||
Platycephalidae | Platycephalus marmoratus | Marbled Flathead | ||
Platycephalidae | Platycephalus richardsoni | Tiger Flathead | ||
Platycephalidae | Thysanophrys cirronasa | Tasselsnout Flathead | ||
Plesiopidae | Blue Devils, Hulafishes | Paraplesiops bleekeri | Eastern Blue Devil | |
Plesiopidae | Trachinops taeniatus | Eastern Hulafish | ||
Pleuronectidae | Righteye Flounders | Ammotretis rostratus | Longsnout Flounder | |
Plotosidae | Eeltail Catfishes | Cnidoglanis macrocephalus | Estuary Catfish | |
Plotosidae | Euristhmus lepturus | Longtail Catfish | southern limit | |
Plotosidae | Plotosus lineatus | Striped Catfish | close to southern limit | |
Plotosidae | Tandanus tandanus | Freshwater Catfish | southern limit | |
Poeciliidae | Livebearers | Gambusia holbrooki | Eastern Gambusia | introduced freshwater species |
Pomacanthidae | Angelfishes | Centropyge bispinosa | Two-spine Angelfish | |
Pomacanthidae | Centropyge flavicauda | Whitetail Angelfish | ||
Pomacanthidae | Centropyge tibicen | Keyhole Angelfish | ||
Pomacanthidae | Chaetodontoplus meredithi | Queensland Yellowtail Angelfish | ||
Pomacanthidae | Genicanthus watanabei | Watanabe's Angelfish | ||
Pomacentridae | Damselfishes | Abudefduf bengalensis | Narrow-Banded Sergeant Major | |
Pomacentridae | Abudefduf sexfasciatus | Scissortail Sergeant | ||
Pomacentridae | Abudefduf vaigiensis | Indo-Pacific sergeant | ||
Pomacentridae | Chromis hypsilepis | One-spot Puller | ||
Pomacentridae | Chromis nitida | Yellowback Puller | ||
Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera brownriggii | Surge Demoiselle | southern limit | |
Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera notialis | Southern Demoiselle | ||
Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera starcki | Starck's Demoiselle | southern limit | |
Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera tricincta | Threeband Demoiselle | southern limit | |
Pomacentridae | Dascyllus trimaculatus | Three-spot Dascyllus | ||
Pomacentridae | Mecaenichthys immaculatus | Immaculate Damsel | ||
Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus azysron | Yellowtail Demoiselle | ||
Pomacentridae | Parma microlepis | White-Ear | ||
Pomacentridae | Parma oligolepis | Bigscale Scalyfin | southern limit | |
Pomacentridae | Parma unifasciata | Girdled Scalyfin | ||
Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus australis | Australian Damsel | ||
Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus coelestis | Neon Damsel | ||
Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus wardi | Ward's Damsel | southern limit | |
Pomacentridae | Pristotis obtusirostris | Gulf Damsel | southern limit | |
Pomacentridae | Stegastes gascoynei | Coral Sea Gregory | ||
Pomatomidae | Tailor | Pomatomus saltatrix | Tailor | |
Priacanthidae | Bigeyes | Priacanthus macracanthus | Spotted Bigeye | |
Pristidae | Sawfishes | Pristis zijsron | Green Sawfish | |
Pristiophoridae | Sawsharks | Pristiophorus cirratus | Common Sawshark | |
Pseudomugilidae | Blue-eyes | Pseudomugil signifer | Pacific Blue Eye | |
Rachycentridae | Black Kingfishes | Rachycentron canadum | Black Kingfish | close to southern limit |
Rajidae | Skates | Dipturus australis | Sydney Skate | Often referred to as Raja australis |
Regalecidae | Oarfish | Regalecus glesne | Oarfish | |
Retropinnidae | Southern Smelts | Retropinna semoni | Australian Smelt | |
Rhinobatidae | Shovelnose Rays | Aptychotrema rostrata | Eastern Shovelnose Ray | |
Rhinobatidae | Trygonorrhina fasciata | Eastern Fiddler Ray | ||
Rhynchobatidae | Sharkfin Guitarfishes | Rhynchobatus australiae | Whitespotted Guitarfish | Often referred to as |
Rhynchobatus djiddensis | Rhynchobatus djiddensis | Rhynchobatus djiddensis | Rhynchobatus djiddensis | Rhynchobatus djiddensis |
Scaridae | Parrotfishes | Calotomus spinidens | Spinytooth Parrotfish | tropical species |
Scaridae | Leptoscarus vaigiensis | Blue-spotted Parrotfish | southern limit | |
Scaridae | Scarus ghobban | Blue-barred Parrotfish | southern limit | |
Scatophagidae | Scats | Scatophagus argus | Spotted Scat | southern limit |
Scatophagidae | Selenotoca multifasciata | Striped Scat | southern limit | |
Schindleriidae | Infantfishes | Schindleria praematura | Premature Floater | southern limit |
Sciaenidae | Croakers | Argyrosomus japonicus | Mulloway | |
Sciaenidae | Atractoscion aequidens | Teraglin | close to southern limit | |
Scomberesocidae | Saury | Scomberesox saurus | King Gar | northern limit |
Scombridae | Mackerels | Auxis rochei | Bullet Tuna | |
Scombridae | Auxis thazard | Frigate Mackerel | ||
Scombridae | Cybiosarda elegans | Leaping Bonito | ||
Scombridae | Euthynnus affinis | Mackerel Tuna | ||
Scombridae | Katsuwonus pelamis | Skipjack Tuna | ||
Scombridae | Sarda australis | Australian Bonito | ||
Scombridae | Scomber australasicus | Blue Mackerel | ||
Scombridae | Scomberomorus commerson | Narrow-barred Spanish Mackerel | ||
Scombridae | Scomberomorus queenslandicus | School Mackerel | near southern limit | |
Scombridae | Thunnus albacares | Yellowfin Tuna | ||
Scorpaenidae | Scorpionfishes | Ablabys taenianotus | Cockatoo Waspfish | |
Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus brachypterus | Dwarf Lionfish | southern limit | |
Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus zebra | Zebra Lionfish | southern limit | |
Scorpaenidae | Notesthes robusta | Bullrout | ||
Scorpaenidae | Pterois antennata | Ragged-finned Firefish | southern limit | |
Scorpaenidae | Pterois volitans | Common Lionfish | ||
Scorpaenidae | Scorpaena jacksoniensis | Red Rockcod | ||
Scorpaenidae | Scorpaena papillosa | Southern Red Scorpionfish | northern limit | |
Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes evides | Cheekspot Scorpionfish | ||
Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes scaber | Pygmy Scorpionfish | ||
Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis insperatus | Sydney Scorpionfish | Only known from Sydney Harbour - described in 2004 by Motomura | |
Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis neglecta | Yellowfin Scorpionfish | Photograph only. Id by H. Motomura, 2011. | |
Scorpaenidae | Taenianotus triacanthus | Leaf Scorpionfish | southern limit | |
Scyliorhinidae | Catsharks | Asymbolus analis | Grey Spotted Catshark | |
Sebastidae | Sebastiscus marmoratus | False Kelpfish | In Australia known only from Sydney Harbour | |
Serranidae | Rockcods, Seaperches | Acanthistius ocellatus | Eastern Wirrah | |
Serranidae | Acanthistius paxtoni | Orangelined Wirrah | ||
Serranidae | Caesioperca lepidoptera | Butterfly Perch | northern limit | |
Serranidae | Caprodon longimanus | Longfin Perch | ||
Serranidae | Diploprion bifasciatum | Barred Soapfish | close to southern limit | |
Serranidae | Epinephelus cyanopodus | Purple Rockcod | southern limit | |
Serranidae | Epinephelus daemelii | Black Rockcod | ||
Serranidae | Epinephelus ergastularius | Banded Rockcod | ||
Serranidae | Epinephelus undulatostriatus | Maori Rockcod | ||
Serranidae | Hypoplectrodes annulatus | Blackbanded Seaperch | ||
Serranidae | Hypoplectrodes jamesoni | Jameson's Seaperch | southern limit | |
Serranidae | Hypoplectrodes maccullochi | Halfbanded Seaperch | ||
Serranidae | Hypoplectrodes nigroruber | Banded Seaperch | ||
Serranidae | Trachypoma macracanthus | Pacific Rockcod | ||
Serranidae | Variola louti | Yellowedge Lyretail | southern limit | |
Siganidae | Spinefoot, happy moments | Siganus fuscescens | Black Spinefoot | |
Sillaginidae | Whitings | Sillago ciliata | Sand Whiting | |
Sillaginidae | Sillago flindersi | Eastern School Whiting | ||
Sillaginidae | Sillago maculata | Trumpeter Whiting | ||
Sillaginidae | Sillago robusta | Stout Whiting | ||
Soleidae | Soles | Aseraggodes nigrocirratus | southern limit | |
Soleidae | Brachirus nigra | Black Sole | ||
Soleidae | Pardachirus hedleyi | Southern Peacock Sole | ||
Soleidae | Soleichthys microcephalus | Small-head Sole | southern limit | |
Soleidae | Synclidopus macleayanus | Narrowbanded Sole | southern limit | |
Soleidae | Zebrias quagga | Zebra Sole | southern limit | |
Soleidae | Zebrias scalaris | Manyband Sole | ||
Solenostomidae | Ghost Pipefishes | Solenostomus cyanopterus | Robust Ghost Pipefish | southern limit |
Solenostomidae | Solenostomus paradoxus | Ornate Ghostpipefish | ||
Sparidae | Snapper, Breams | Acanthopagrus australis | Yellowfin Bream | |
Sparidae | Dentex spariformis | Yellowback Bream | ||
Sparidae | Chrysophrys auratus | Snapper | ||
Sparidae | Rhabdosargus sarba | Tarwhine | ||
Sphyraenidae | Barracudas | Sphyraena obtusata | Yellowtail Barracuda | close to southern limit |
Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena waitii | Waite's Seapike | taxonomy uncertain | |
Sphyrnidae | Hammerhead Sharks | Sphyrna lewini | Scalloped Hammerhead | |
Sphyrnidae | Sphyrna zygaena | Smooth Hammerhead | ||
Squalidae | Dogfishes | Squalus megalops | Spikey Dogfish | |
Squatinidae | Angel sharks | Squatina australis | Australian Angelshark | |
Stegostomatidae | Zebra Sharks | Stegostoma fasciatum | Zebra Shark | The Spit, Middle Harbour, 1947 |
Syngnathidae | Pipefishes, Seahorses | Festucalex cinctus | Girdled Pipefish | southern limit |
Syngnathidae | Filicampus tigris | Tiger Pipefish | ||
Syngnathidae | Heraldia nocturna | Upside Down Pipefish | ||
Syngnathidae | Hippocampus abdominalis | Bigbelly Seahorse | ||
Syngnathidae | Hippocampus whitei | White's Seahorse | ||
Syngnathidae | Histiogamphelus briggsii | Crested Pipefish | ||
Syngnathidae | Lissocampus runa | Javelin Pipefish | ||
Syngnathidae | Maroubra perserrata | Sawtooth Pipefish | ||
Syngnathidae | Notiocampus ruber | Red Pipefish | northern limit | |
Syngnathidae | Phyllopteryx taeniolatus | Common (Weedy) Seadragon | ||
Syngnathidae | Solegnathus spinosissimus | Spiny Pipehorse | ||
Syngnathidae | Stigmatopora argus | Spotted Pipefish | ||
Syngnathidae | Stigmatopora nigra | Widebody Pipefish | ||
Syngnathidae | Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus | Bentstick Pipefish | close to southern limit | |
Syngnathidae | Urocampus carinirostris | Hairy Pipefish | ||
Syngnathidae | Vanacampus margaritifer | Mother-of-Pearl Pipefish | ||
Synodontidae | Lizardfishes and Sauries | Saurida nebulosa | Clouded Saury | southern limit |
Synodontidae | Saurida tumbil | Common Saury | ||
Synodontidae | Saurida undosquamis | Largescale Saury | southern limit on east coast | |
Synodontidae | Synodus variegatus | Variegated Lizardfish | southern limit | |
Synodontidae | Trachinocephalus trachinus | Painted Grinner | ||
Terapontidae | Trumpeters | Pelates sexlineatus | Eastern Striped Trumpeter | |
Terapontidae | Terapon jarbua | Crescent Perch | ||
Tetraodontidae | Pufferfishes | Arothron firmamentum | Starry Toadfish | |
Tetraodontidae | Arothron hispidus | Stars and Stripes Toadfish | southern limit | |
Tetraodontidae | Arothron nigropunctatus | Blackspotted Puffer | ||
Tetraodontidae | Arothron stellatus | Starry Pufferfish | southern limit | |
Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster callisterna | Clown Toby | ||
Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster coronata | Crowned Puffer | ||
Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster valentini | Blacksaddle Toby | ||
Tetraodontidae | Lagocephalus inermis | Smooth Golden Pufferfish | ||
Tetraodontidae | Lagocephalus sceleratus | Silver Toadfish | ||
Tetraodontidae | Lagocephalus spadiceus | Brownback Toadfish | known from a single record | |
Tetraodontidae | Reicheltia halsteadi | Halstead's Toadfish | ||
Tetraodontidae | Tetractenos glaber | Smooth Toadfish | ||
Tetraodontidae | Tetractenos hamiltoni | Common Toadfish | ||
Tetraodontidae | Torquigener altipinnis | Highfin Toadfish | ||
Tetraodontidae | Torquigener perlevis | Spineless Toadfish | close to southern limit | |
Tetraodontidae | Torquigener pleurogramma | Weeping Toadfish | ||
Tetraodontidae | Torquigener squamicauda | Scalytail Toadfish | close to southern limit | |
Tetrarogidae | Centropogon australis | Fortescue | ||
Tetrarogidae | Glyptauchen panduratus | Goblinfish | northern limit | |
Trachichthyidae | Roughies | Optivus agastos | Violet Roughy | |
Trachichthyidae | Trachichthys australis | Southern Roughy | ||
Trachipteridae | Ribbonfishes | Trachipterus jacksonensis | Southern Ribbonfish | |
Triakidae | Hound Sharks | Galeorhinus galeus | School Shark | |
Triakidae | Mustelus antarcticus | Gummy Shark | ||
Trichiuridae | Cutlassfishes | Lepidopus caudatus | Frostfish | |
Trichiuridae | Trichiurus lepturus | Largehead Hairtail | ||
Triglidae | Gurnards | Chelidonichthys kumu | Red Gurnard | |
Triglidae | Lepidotrigla argus | Eye Gurnard | close to southern limit | |
Triglidae | Lepidotrigla mulhalli | Roundsnout Gurnard | ||
Triglidae | Lepidotrigla papilio | Spiny Gurnard | ||
Triglidae | Lepidotrigla umbrosa | Blackspot Gurnard | southern limit | |
Triglidae | Pterygotrigla polyommata | Latchet | ||
Tripterygiidae | Triplefins | Brachynectes fasciatus | Barred Threefin | identification uncertain |
Tripterygiidae | Ceratobregma helenae | Orangebar Threefin | Tropical species. One lot only from Sydney Harbour | |
Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius atrogulare | Ring-scale Triplefin | ||
Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius larsonae | Black-head Threefin | Tropical species. One lot from Sydney Harbour. | |
Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius mirabilis | Miracle Threefin | Tropical species. One from Sydney Harbour. Not included in species count. | |
Tripterygiidae | Lepidoblennius haplodactylus | Eastern Jumping Blenny | ||
Tripterygiidae | Trinorfolkia clarkei | Common Threefin | ||
Uranoscopidae | Stargazers | Ichthyscopus barbatus | Fringed Stargazer | |
Uranoscopidae | Kathetostoma laeve | Eastern Stargazer | ||
Urolophidae | Stingarees | Trygonoptera testacea | Common Stingaree | |
Urolophidae | Urolophus bucculentus | Sandyback Stingaree | ||
Urolophidae | Urolophus kapalensis | Kapala Stingaree | ||
Urolophidae | Urolophus viridis | Greenback Stingaree | ||
Zanclidae | Moorish Idol | Zanclus cornutus | Moorish Idol | southern limit |
Zeidae | Dories | Zeus faber | John Dory |