Work at the Museum
Discover the exciting roles in research, exhibitions, education and communicating the relationship between people, culture and the natural environment.

Our mission
To ignite wonder, inspire debate and drive change.
Our vision statement
To be a leading voice for the richness of life, the Earth and culture in Australia and the Pacific. We commit to transform the conversation around climate change, the environment and wildlife conservation; be a strong advocate for First Nations’ culture; and continue to develop world-leading science, collections, exhibitions and education programs.
Our work place
The Australian Museum is truly a great place to work.
We offer our employees interesting, challenging and rewarding work, as well as a unique employment experience with an emphasis on development and retention.
We value diversity
Our goal in the NSW public sector is to attract and retain the right people for the right jobs, no matter what their gender, race, age, religious beliefs, or personal commitments.
This means that we are embedding diversity and inclusion in everything we do on a daily basis, whether it be our recruitment processes, workplace culture, career development programs, customer service or policies and procedures.
We are also committed to building on the perspectives, experience, knowledge and skills that diversity brings to the organisation.
Current job opportunities
I Work for NSW
We advertise all current employment on I Work for NSW.
For more information about a specific job that you are applying for, contact the enquiry person listed in the advertisement .
For help in submitting an online application, check the Frequently Asked Questions on the I Work for NSW website.
Applying for roles
The following information is a summary of the Australian Museum's recruitment and selection process and is intended to assist applicants in finding out about the role, in writing their application and in understanding the process which will be followed by the Australian Museum in selecting the successful candidate.
Please refer to:
There are certain basic requirements you need to meet if you want to apply for a role in the NSW public sector, including the Australian Museum. Citizenship: To obtain an ongoing role you have to either be an Australian citizen or have permanent residence status in Australia.
To obtain a temporary role you have to either be an Australian citizen or have permanent resident status in Australia or have a temporary residence visa which allows you to work in Australia for the period of time over which the position is to be filled.
Appointment to positions in the New South Wales Public Service is on the basis of Merit. This means that each applicant is assessed on merit against the knowledge, skills, experience, qualifications, personal qualities and standard of work performance required in the advertised role.
The essential requirements listed in the advertisement set out what these requirements are for each role. The applicant who, on balance, demonstrates the most merit against the requirements is recommended for appointment.
Internal applicants are not given preference over external applicants and no factors other than those clearly relevant to performance in the role are taken into account in the assessment.
The advertisement will usually specify a contact officer who can answer questions about the role and discuss the role requirements in more detail.
Please carefully read the information provided in the package carefully, in particular the role description. You are strongly encouraged to speak to the contact officer about the role. All of this will assist you to understand the exact nature of the role, help you to decide whether the role is of interest to you and also whether you are likely to meet the minimum requirements.
Electronic information packages are hyperlinked from each job advertisement and can usually be printed or downloaded. In addition to the information contained in the package, the website of the NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet contains useful information for completing your application and about working for the NSW Government.
When accepting a role in the Government you need to be aware of the principles of a 'diverse, fair and safe workplace'. This means that you understand and will support these principles in your new role.
Applications should be submitted through Jobs NSW by the due date.
The role description provides detailed information about the role functions and requirements. However, the essential requirements which you must address in your application are those specified in the job advertisement.
Please note that it is not sufficient to simply send in a standard CV with a covering note indicating the role for which you are applying - such applications are almost always culled prior to interview stage because the selection panel does not have enough information to assess the applicant's claims against the role's essential knowledge, skill and experience requirements. The essential requirements of the role are the skills, knowledge and experience required to successfully carry out the duties of the position.
To do this, you must submit a 1-2 page covering letter, your resume, and any other documents you wish to include.
Your covering letter is the most important part of the application and you should address each of the essential requirements by describing how your skills, knowledge and experience meet each requirement and how they could be used in the job. It is strongly recommended that you complete this process so that you maximise your chances of obtaining an interview for the role.
It is helpful to give examples of significant achievements illustrating the relevant experience or skill. Simply stating that you meet the requirements will not provide the panel with enough information.
Remember that the essential requirements listed in the advertisement will be used by the panel at all stages of the selection process as the basis for determining the most suitable applicant. Therefore, if you do not address your application to those requirements, the panel will find it difficult to assess your claims against those of others on the basis of relative merit.
Attach your CV or a summary of your career to date, with brief details of the nature of each role and details of any relevant education or training undertaken.
Any statement on your application that is found to be deliberately misleading could make you, if employed, liable to dismissal.
You should include the names and contact details of at least two people who can be contacted to act as referees in support of your application.
The persons you choose need to be well acquainted with your work in areas relevant to the role requirements. They will be asked to provide information on your skills, knowledge and/or experience as they apply to the role.
Your current supervisor should normally be one of the referees you nominate.
Note: it is acceptable to nominate a person as your referee even if they will be a member of the selection committee, provided they are a logical choice, eg your immediate supervisor.
The selection process is carried out by a committee of at least 3 people, including:
- A representative from the section/branch in which the vacancy occurs
- A representative from within the Australian Museum.
- An independent representative from either another organisation or Division within the Australian Museum
The committee will include at least one representative from each sex. The committee's role is to assess all applicants in terms of the requirements for the role and to recommend the most suitable applicant for appointment to the role.
If no applicant meets the essential requirements specified, the selection committee will recommend that the role be re-advertised or other appropriate action be taken. Where this happens, all applicants will be notified by email.
The selection committee will assess all written applications based on the essential requirements for the role and, from this, determine a short list of candidates for interview (note: those applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for the role, or do not meet them as well as others on the basis of their application, will be "culled" and not considered any further).
If you are called for an interview and have special requirements (eg wheelchair access or an interpreter for hearing impaired persons), please advise the contact officer or Human Resources who will make arrangements to assist wherever possible.
The selection committee will prepare the questions for interview based on the requirements specified in the job advertisement and the role description.
At the interview, the selection committee will be seeking to determine each candidate's relative strengths and weaknesses in relation to the requirements of the particular role. Usually, each member of the selection committee will ask one or more questions relevant to the role. All members will play an active role in the decision making process.
The committee may ask you, as part of the interview process, to produce samples of your work, so it is a good idea to bring relevant documents or material to the interview - however these should be carefully selected so that the selection panel does not have to spend considerable time perusing documents while the interview is progressing.
You will also usually be given an opportunity to make a closing statement and/or ask one or two brief questions. This will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your interest in the role. However, you should be careful not to take up too much of the committee's time in this closing part of the interview.
In some cases, the assessment process can also involve a short practical test or task to assess the candidates' skills in a particular area. Where this occurs, the procedure will be explained to each candidate, usually in advance of the interview.
Following the interviews, the committee will contact the referees nominated by the applicant(s) who, based on their application and interview performance, appears to have most merit.
Referees will be asked to comment against the relevant requirements, including any areas which the committee specifically wants to explore as a result of the assessment process so far.
Following referee checks, the committee will make a final comparison of all applicants assessed. It will base its decision regarding relative merit on the material presented by the applicants in writing, their performance at interview, the result of any practical tests, and the referees' comments.
Once the selection committee has completed this assessment process, its recommendations will be forwarded to the Director & CEO (or their delegate) for approval. Once approved, the successful applicant will receive an initial verbal offer of appointment requiring a prompt reply.
A formal letter of offer and acceptance letter will follow shortly thereafter.
In some cases, more than one applicant is assessed as suitable for the role as a result of the merit assessment process. Where this happens, an eligibility list is created, consisting of those candidates who have demonstrated that they are capable and qualified for the role, but were rated as less suitable overall than the recommended candidate.
The list remains in force for a period of twelve (12) months from the closing date for the role. The eligibility list can be used directly or indirectly to fill identical or similar vacant role. If you have been placed on an eligibility list, your letter of notification about the selection process outcome will include this information.
Applicants not considered suitable for appointment will be notified in writing by email that they have been unsuccessful soon after the recommended applicant has accepted the role.
Being unsuccessful is no reflection on you personally - it means only that in the Committee's opinion you were not, at the time, the best person for that particular job.
Unsuccessful applicants are invited to request a post-selection discussion with the convenor of the selection committee to obtain constructive comment regarding their application or presentation at interview. The points raised by the convenor can assist you in making better applications in the future and/or can highlight your training and development needs.
The Australian Museum will under certain circumstances meet the costs associated with attending interviews, provided they are reasonable and do not involve any unnecessary itinerary detours or overnight stays. For information on this, please Contact Human Resources.
The NSW Government requires that a criminal records check be carried out on applicants recommended for some roles. A criminal record does not necessarily disqualify you from selection.
If the criminal records check results in rejection of your selection, you will be given the opportunity to discuss the matter before a final decision is made.
When applying for a position in child-related employment a "Working With Children Check" will also be undertaken. This is a formal process of checks to help determine your suitability to work with children or have unsupervised access to children in your work. The check takes into account relevant criminal records, apprehended violence orders and completed disciplinary proceedings.
It is an offence under the NSW Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 for a person convicted of a serious offence to apply for a child-related position. Information on the Working with Children Check is located at on the NSW commission for children and young people website.
If you are selected as the preferred candidate for the role, the selection committee will ask to see original certificates or certified (by the institution) academic transcripts of your qualifications if they are a requirement of the role.
The cost of producing this documentation is to be met by you. The selection committee may also seek verification of your qualifications from the issuing institution.
Any statement on your application that is found to be deliberately misleading could make you, if employed, liable to dismissal and/or prosecution.
To be appointed on an ongoing basis in the NSW Government you need to:
- be an Australian citizen or have the status of permanent residence in Australia. If you do not fit this category, you are only eligible for appointment to temporary vacancies. For more information on Australian citizenship or permanent residency, please see
- have your fitness to carry out the duties of the position confirmed by a health assessment. This is not concerned with disabilities that do not affect your work and may involve a declaration provided by you or a medical examination if considered necessary; and
- provide proof of identity.
If you are offered employment you may be asked about your current salary to determine an appropriate commencement rate.
If you require further information regarding the Australian Museum's recruitment and selection procedures, please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources or the nominated Contact Officer for the position as listed in the job advertisement.
Human Resources can also help if you have any requirements for the interview (eg mobility access, or interpreter for hearing impaired people).
A diverse, fair and safe workplace
Essential information about working for the NSW Government
When you work in the NSW Public Sector you are not just doing a job - you are representing the NSW Government to achieve what is in the community's best interests.
The NSW Government is dedicated to building a talented and responsive workforce that reflects the diversity of the people of NSW. This means valuing the participation of people with different life and work experiences. By valuing different people and different approaches to what we do, we are more innovative and ultimately deliver better services.
The NSW Government is committed to work health and safety, freedom from discrimination, bullying and harassment, and respect and fairness to its staff and the community.
All employees and managers are expected to understand and support these principles and practices and to meet their responsibilities in these areas.
People who work for the NSW Government need to understand these principles:
- Cultural diversity
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
- Ethical Practice
- Work Health and Safety (WH&S).
The information provided here is designed to give you a broad understanding of these areas.
Your employer will be able to provide you with more information on how these principles apply to your own workplace.
Principles and practices
The NSW Government recognises and values the different linguistic, religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds of all the people of NSW. The Community Relations Commission and Principles of Multiculturalism Act 2000 sets out four principles of multiculturalism. These are:
- Everyone in NSW should have the greatest possible opportunity to contribute to, and participate in all aspects of public life in which they may legally participate.
- All individuals and institutions should respect and make provision for the culture, language and religion of others within an Australian legal and institutional framework where English is the common language.
- Everyone should have the greatest possible opportunity to make use of and participate in relevant activities and programs provided or administered by the NSW Government.
- All NSW institutions should recognise the linguistic and cultural assets in the NSW population as a valuable resource and promote this resource to maximise the State's development.
All NSW Government agencies must have in place strategies to meet the principles of multiculturalism. Agencies must include these strategies in an Ethnic Affairs Priority Statement (EAPS) contained in their annual report to Parliament. Strategies can include:
- Offering programs and services which reflect the needs of the entire community
- Developing and implementing policies which are sensitive to all staff and client needs
- Providing information in ways that will reach all staff and clients
- Providing language services for all clients
- Ensuring that boards and committees reflect the multiculturalism of the community
- Training staff on multiculturalism and how these apply in their jobs
- Using flexible, inclusive consultation processes.
For more information contact the Community Relations Commission for a Multicultural NSW, Phone: 02 9716 2232, website:
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is about:
- Ensuring workplaces are free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment
- Providing programs to assist members of EEO groups in employment.
EEO groups are people affected by past or continuing disadvantage or discrimination in employment. These groups are women; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; members of racial, ethnic, and ethno-religious minority groups, and people with a disability.
Discrimination is treating someone unfairly or harassing them because they belong to a particular group. Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is against the law in NSW for any employer, including the Government, to discriminate against an employee or job applicant because of their age; sex; pregnancy; disability (including past, present or possible future disability); race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or nationality; marital status; carer's responsibilities; homosexuality; transgender.
Both direct and indirect discrimination are against the law. Direct discrimination means treatment that is obviously unfair or unequal. Indirect discrimination means having a requirement that is the same for everyone but has an effect or result that is unfair to particular groups of people.
All employees have the right to:
- A workplace that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment
- Equal access to benefits and conditions
- Fair processes to deal with work-related complaints and grievances.
Employees also have the responsibility to:
- Act to prevent harassment and discrimination against others in the workplace
- Respect differences among colleagues and customers such as cultural and social diversity
- Treat people fairly (don't discriminate against or harass them).
Managers and supervisors have the additional responsibility to:
- Ensure that work practices and behaviours are fair and free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment
- Provide employees with equal opportunity to apply for jobs, training and development, higher duties and flexible working hours
- Ensure selection processes are consistent, transparent and based on merit.
People who work for the NSW Government must always work ethically and act in good faith in the public interest. This is their public duty.
The Independent Commission Against Corruption has developed these principles to help Government employees make better decisions and resolve ethical dilemmas they may face at work:
Serving public above private interests
Government employees must make decisions and take actions which best serve the public interest. When making decisions, employees should not consider their private or personal interests.
Government employees should ensure that any decision made, or action taken, has these qualities:
- Giving reasons for decisions
- Revealing all avenues available to the client or business
- When authorised, offering all information
- Communicating clearly.
- Obeying the law
- Following the letter and spirit of policies and procedures
- Observing codes of conduct
- Fully disclosing any possible conflicts between the public interest and personal interests.
- Recording reasons for decisions
- Submitting to scrutiny
- Keeping proper accessible records
- Establishing audit trails.
- Fairness to all
- Impartial assessment
- Merit selection in recruitment and in purchase and sale of government resources
- Considering only relevant matters.
- Giving advice fearlessly and frankly where required
- Doing the right thing even in the face of adversity
- Reporting and dealing with suspected wrongdoing
- Acting in the public interest above loyalty to colleagues or supervisors.
- Demonstrating, by your own ethical behaviour, the value of these principles in serving the public interest
- Promoting public duty to colleagues and others in an agency and outside.
For more information contact the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Phone: 02 8281 5999, website: You can also ask any Government agency for a copy of its Code of Conduct for employees.
The Australian Museum Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy, approved by our Director/CEO, commits the Australian Museum to ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for workers including staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors. This requires the ongoing integration of work health and safety principles into work practices and the ongoing commitment of resources with effective consultation and communication between all workers.
Everyone is responsible for their own safety and health and for that of others whose activities they may influence or control. The degree of responsibility and accountability a person has will depend on their authority and level of influence or control.