AMRI Student Forum
The AMRI Student Forum showcases the research being carried out by students, utilising the Australian Museum's unique expertise and collections.

Each year, our Research and Collections staff supervise students undertaking research at national and international universities. Our annual student forum provides an opportunity for these students to present the results.
AMRI Student Forum 2023
On Monday 9 October 2023, the Australian Museum hosted the annual AMRI Student Forum 2023 in the Theatre. Masters and PhD students presented for 10 minutes, both in-person and online, which was followed by a short Q&A. The sessions were chaired by the AM’s Dr Elena Kupriyanova and Dr Jacqueline Nguyen, and Professor Kris Helgen opened and closed the AMRI Student Forum. It was a wonderful way to learn more about what our students are working on!
For more information on the 2023 AMRI Student Forum, please find below the program and select presentations (with permissions from the students).
AMRI Student Forum 2023
Program from the AMRI Student Forum 2023
Program from the AMRI Student Forum 2023371.4 KB -
Morphological adaptations in recurrent water-land transitions: Why are intertidal fishes prone to amphibious behaviour? Elizabeth Surovic
Morphological adaptations in recurrent water-land transitions: Why are intertidal fishes prone to amphibious behaviour? Presented by Elizabeth Surovic.1.8 MB