Australian Museum
Visit & Book
What's on at the Australian Museum
- Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
- Future Now
- Fiesta de Peru
- Sydney Science Trail
- Kava and Climate: Justice for the Blue Pacific
- FrogID Week 2024
- Paddington’s Peruvian Trail
- Journey to Peru
- School Holidays
- Early Birds: Autism and Sensory-friendly Mornings
- Wansolmoana Film Series
- The Pollution of Murujuga Rock Art: Some Inconvenient Truths
- Wansolmoana
- 200 Treasures of the Australian Museum
- Dinosaurs
- Burra
- The Talbot Oration
- Coffee and Climate
- Explorer Backpacks
- Australian Museum Highlight Tours
- Waranara Tours
- Members events
- Wild Planet
- Birds of Australia
- Garrigarrang: Sea Country
- DinoSnore: Sleepover at the Museum
- Accessible and inclusive events at the Australian Museum
- Minerals
- School programs and excursions
- Teachers' nights at the Museum
- Waranara Teacher Professional Development: Primary
- Embedding First Nations perspectives in the Stage 6 History classroom
- Changing Climate
- Surviving Australia
- Australian Museum Balinese Collection
- Touring exhibitions
- Night Owls: An autism and sensory-friendly night out for adults
- Exhibition virtual tours
- Self-guided audio tours of exhibitions
- School programs and excursions
- Museums Discovery Centre
- Things to do in Sydney - Australian Museum
- 2023 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
- Free kids activities in Sydney at the Australian Museum
- Exclusive online events
- New discoveries in AM Palaeontology
- Right of reply: Reconnecting community knowledge to cultural belongings
- Collection Care & Conservation Laboratory tour
- Curator in conversation: Unsettled virtual tour
- Scientist For a Day
- Free family day out at the Australian Museum in Sydney
- Conversations of the Golden Empires: Modern Discoveries of an Ancient Land
- Student Climate Leadership Forum
- Member Families: The Secret History of Sharks
- Members Families: Let's Go Science Show
- Members: Behind the Scenes Rare Book Tour
- Pepito's Pisco Masterclass
- Secrets of the Andean Cloud Forests and Beyond
- The Social Lives of Human Remains
- Admission information
- Accessibility and inclusion
- Membership
- Location and access
- Parking and public transport
- Food and drinks
- Museum Shop
- Education and group bookings
- Multilingual visit information
- Australian Museum venue hire
- Australian Museum Visitor Map
- Audio guides of exhibitions
- Museum mobile apps
- Visit the Australian Museum in Sydney
- Besuchen Sie das Australische Museum in Sydney
- シドニーのオーストラリア博物館に行ってみよう
- 参观悉尼的澳大利亚博物馆
- Visitez l'Australian Museum à Sydney
- 시드니에 있는 호주 박물관을 방문하세요
- Australian Museum: Exit survey – video prize
- Australian Museum exhibition research competition 2021-2022
- To ask "Why?" is to discover
- Australian Museum Creative Kids Vouchers Terms & Conditions
- Visite el Museo Australiano de Sídney
- Bisitahin ang Australian Museum sa Sydney
- Australian Museum Brand Health Study Research Competition Terms and Conditions
What's on at the Australian Museum
Discover & Learn
- News from the Australian Museum
- For teachers and students
- Australian Museum collections
- Cultural collections
First Nations
- Aunty Barb McGrady photographs
- The Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association (A.A.P.A.)
- Sydney Elders exhibition
- Unfinished Business
- Whose history: the role of statues and monuments in Australia
- The “pygmy” myth debunked
- Dark Days: A photo essay by Brendan Beirne
- Stolen Generations — 21st anniversary of launch of Inquiry, 17 years since report
- Kooriculum: Beyond Terra Nullius
- Indigenous science goes far beyond boomerangs and spears
- Sorry
- Tasmanian Aboriginal shell necklaces: A significant cultural practice
- Possum skin cloaks then and now – same same but different
- Genocide in Australia
- Tear It Down
- James Cook – man, mariner, myth or monster
- The First Lie - the ongoing tragic legacy of Cook’s lie
- Deaths in custody: What can museums do to effect change?
- The Stolen Generation
- Debunking the myth that Aboriginal stories are just myths: the Yamuti and the megafauna Diprotodon
- First Nations watercraft culture
- Land Rights
- Native Title
- Fire management on Country
- The differences between hazard reduction burning and Cultural Fire practices
- Always Was, Always Will Be, Aboriginal Land
- The Australian Museum’s Statement of Reflection
- Weaving Woman by Genevieve Stewart
- Scarred (Ancestral Vase) by Uncle Kevin “Sooty” Welsh
- Piracy by Tony Albert
- The Australian Museum's Unsettled exhibition
- My Museum – Laura McBride
- Unsettled: Uncovering our nation's hidden history
- Carved emu eggs featured in Winhangadurinya
- Learning from Aunty Fay Moseley about the Stolen Generations
- First Nations Lecture Series
- Stan Grant: Unsettled. Un-home.
- The Australian Museum's Burra learning space
- A First Nations lens on glass in Australia
- Barka: The Forgotten River
- Have your say!
- Mob at the Museum
Climate change
- Australian Museum statement on 2019/2020 bushfires
- #CapturingClimateChange Terms of Use
- Impacts of Climate Change
- Climate change solutions
- Australian Museum and climate change
- What is climate change?
- Stories of our changing environment
- Climate change exhibitions
- Learn about climate change with Mt Resilience
- Climate Solutions Centre
- Sustainability
Expeditions and fieldwork
- Australian Museum Research Institute
- Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics
- Lord Howe Island expedition
- South West Pacific expedition
- Scotia Arc expeditions
- Timor-Leste expedition
- Southern French Polynesia expedition
- Kermadec Island expedition
- Historic expeditions
- Solomon Islands expedition
- Biodiversity Hotspot: Treasures of the Kimberley
- Norfolk Island expedition
- Fieldwork
- Major expeditions
- More expeditions
Animal factsheets
- Spiders
- Mammals
- Australia's native frogs
- Fishes
- Worms
- Birds
- Reptiles
- Insects
- Molluscs
- Plankton
- Sea squirts and sea tulips
- Sea stars and sea urchins
- Jellyfish, anemones and corals
- Centipedes and millipedes
- Australian Bats
- Crustaceans
- Wildlife of Sydney
- Dangerous Australian animals
- Australia's extinct animals
- What are arthropods?
- Conservation Status - what does it mean?
- Glossary of animal biology terms
- Australia over time
Dinosaurs and their relatives
- Dinosaur fact sheets
- Australian dinosaurs
- The Mesozoic era
- Pyroclastic processes and materials
- Herbivore teeth and diet
- Dinosaurs living together
- Herbivorous heavyweights
- Bird-like dinosaurs
- Dinosaurs on the attack
- Carnivore teeth and diet
- Dinosaurs getting around
- Dinosaur senses
- The first birds
- Defence and signalling
- Dinosaur lifecycles: from go to woe
- The living dinosaurs
- Science of life
- Earth science
- Journals & Publications
- Research Library
- Object and species identification
- Australian Museum digital publications
Get involved
- About the Australian Museum
- Become a Member
- Join & Give
- Donate to the Museum
Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI)
- Science Advisory Board
- Natural science research and collections
- Science Research Strategy
- Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station
- Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics
- The Koala Genome
- Collection Care and Conservation
- Awards & Fellowships
- AMRI Seminars and Lectures
- Australian Museum Eureka Prizes
- AMRI Lifetime Achievement Award
- AMRI Student Forum
- Expressions of Interest: Co-Directors for Lizard Island Research Station
- Climate Solutions Centre
Australian Museum Eureka Prizes
- Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize
- Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Award Program
- Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Terms and Conditions
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 2021 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Award Ceremony
- Eureka Stories
- Eureka Prizes Judges
- Eureka Prizes Winner Archive
- 2022 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Award Ceremony
- Preparing your Eureka Prizes submission: information for entrants
- 2023 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Award Ceremony
- 2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes finalists
- 2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes winners
- Work at the Museum
- Student opportunities
- Citizen science projects
- Volunteer at the Australian Museum
- Partnerships
- Commercial services
- Touring exhibitions
- Media Centre
- Contact us
- About the Museum
- Australian Museum news stories
- Australian Museum Foundation
- Project Discover
- Capturing Climate Change
AM Inside Out
- Curated for the curious
- Activities for kids at home
- Collection objects in 3D
- Museum staff reading lists
- Scientists in isolation
- Creepy jigsaws
- Online experiments and activities
- Unsettled exhibition: corporate partners' virtual hub
- Burra: supporting partners' virtual content hub
Pride: Into the Light
- First Nations Pride and a retrospective on LGBTQIA+ celebration at the Australian Museum
- Minerals and the beauty of the rainbow
- Trailblazers and allies of the Australian Pride movement
- Diversity and same-sex pairings in birds
- Pasifika Pride: A Talanoa with Tommy Misa
- Diversity and behaviour in the animal kingdom
- Social media community guidelines
- Ticket Terms & Conditions
- AM Privacy Statement
- Australian Museum Copyright
Visit & Book