Collection objects in 3D
See some of our rare and unique natural science and cultural collection objects with photogrammetry 3D capture.

About our 3D collection capture
The Australian Museum uses three types of 3D capture of objects and specimens in our collections: photogrammetry, structured light and computer tomography, sometimes in combination.
Click on the loaded 3D image and drag your mouse around to see the different views of the object.
Photogrammetry is a technique where many, often hundreds, of photographs are taken of an object and 'solved' by software to build a textured 3D model of the object. Although the concept is not new it's only recently that computers powerful enough to do the processing have become accessible. Photogrammetry is excellent for capturing colours and textures of natural science specimens and cultural objects in our collections.
Structured light uses light projections and lasers to very accurately map the surface of an object. It is excellent at capturing the morphology and fine detail of an object, but not so good at texture and colour.
Computed Tomography (CT) uses x-rays to build a 3D model of internal structures such as skeletons or bodily organs. It is used extensively in medicine and life sciences.
The Australian Museum has partnered with Pedestal3d to allow good quality 3D models to be explored online by audiences world-wide.
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