Submit manuscripts to the Editor. All manuscripts are refereed externally. Members of the Editorial Committee oversee the peer-review process and establish publication standards. Manuscripts that fail to meet the following requirements may be returned to authors.

  • Submit manuscripts and images separately and electronically; images should be high resolution TIFF or PSD (see below). Attach one summary file providing: title; name, address, email and ORCID iD of each author; indicate the corresponding author; suggest a running-head of less than 40 characters; number the figures, tables and appendices.
  • Manuscripts must be complete when submitted. Tables and figures should be numbered and referred to in numerical order in the text. Authors should avoid excessive layout or textual embellishments in tables. All copy is manipulated within a Windows environment using Microsoft and Adobe applications. Maps should be submitted as high-resolution TIFF or PSD.
  • Manuscripts should be prepared using recent issues as a guide. There should be a title, author(s) (with institutional addresses), abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, and references. If appropriate, an appendix may be added after references. Figure captions, tables, and table captions, should be added to the end of the manuscript. Titles should not be serially numbered as part 1, part 2, etc.
  • In zoological works, the higher classification of the group treated should be indicated in the title. Except for common abbreviations, definitions should be given in materials and methods. Avoid abbreviations (including for generic names) or numerals at the beginning of sentences. Metric units must be used except when citing original specimen data. Where possible, include geospatial coordinates. Label and specimen data should indicate repository, locality, date, and collector. Rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature must be followed. When new taxa are proposed in works with multiple authors, the identity of the author(s) responsible for the new name(s) and for satisfying the criteria of availability, should be made clear in accordance with Recommendations in Chapter XI of The Code. Previously published illustrations will generally not be accepted. Colour is acceptable where necessary. All images must (a) be rectangular or square and scalable to a width of 83 mm (= one text column) or 172 mm (= both text columns including central gutter) and any depth up to 229 mm (the number of lines in a caption limits depth); (b) contain lettering similar to 14 pt, upper case, regular, sans-serif Helvetica or Arial, in final print; and (c) contain minimal negative space. Digital images should be presented as TIFF, or as multi-layered Adobe PSD files. Halftone and colour images must be at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi at final size (at this resolution, 2040 pixels = printed-page width = 172 mm) and all labelling must be sharp with anti-alias active. Black and white line images (bitmaps) must be at a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi at final size (at this resolution, 8160 pixels = printed-page width).
  • When reference is made to figures in the present work use Fig. or Figs, when in another work use fig. or figs; the same case-rule applies to plates, tables, and appendices. Figures and tables should be numbered and referred to in numerical order in the text.
  • Authors should refer to recent issues of the Records of the Australian Museum to determine the correct format for listing references and to The Chicago Manual of Style to resolve other matters of style. For authors using bibliographic databases, the “Chicago 16th B” reference output-style closely approaches the required specification.
  • CrossRef-minted DOI’s are inserted automatically during copyediting; DOI minted by other agencies (e.g., DataCite) should be entered by authors. Non-DOI URLs, especially long, unwieldy ones, should be avoided because of their long-term instability.
  • Certain anthropological manuscripts (both text and images) may deal with culturally sensitive material. Responsibility rests with authors to ensure that approvals from the appropriate person or persons have been obtained prior to submission of the manuscript.
  • Stratigraphic practice should follow the International Stratigraphic Guide (second edition) and Field Geologist’s Guide to Lithostratigraphic Nomenclature in Australia.

The Editor and Publisher reserve the right to modify manuscripts to improve legibility and flow where deemed useful. Essential corrections only may be made to proofs. Substantive changes made after peer-review may result in delays and additional review. No corrections can be accepted less than 10 days prior to publication without cost to the author(s). Duplicates and reprints are no longer printed.

All authors, or the Corresponding Author on their behalf, must sign a Licence to Publish when a manuscript is submitted, and certify that the research described has adhered to the Australian Museum’s Guidelines for Research Practice—or those of their home institution providing they cover the same issues, especially with respect to authorship and acknowledgement. While under consideration, a manuscript may not be submitted elsewhere.

Examples of recent publications are freely available at our website:

Editor, Records of the Australian Museum,

Australian Museum Research Institute

Australian Museum

1 William Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia