About the Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize

Sponsored by the University of Sydney, the Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize encourages students to communicate a scientific concept in a way that is accessible and entertaining to the public while painlessly increasing their science knowledge or, as prize patrons Dr Karl and Adam Spencer like to say, "Learn something without even noticing". It is intended to support budding young scientists across the nation, who will be our future leaders in research, discovery and communication.

Prize information and theme available Tuesday 3 October 2023

Entries close 7pm AEST Friday 12 April 2024

Finalist and highly commended entrants notified by Friday 12 July

Finalists announced Wednesday 31 July

Winners announced Wednesday 4 September

Participation certificates distributed by Friday 27 September

The 2024 theme is 'Energy'

This year's theme has been selected for its wide scope of interpretation. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to selecting a topic, but students are encouraged to get creative!

Among other things, judges will be assessing each entrant's passion for their chosen topic, so students should carefully consider how they will explore the theme. They may wish to start by taking one minute to write down words they associate with the word 'energy' and discussing their list with a teacher or guardian.

Primary school

First place: $2,000

Runner up: $1,000

Runner up: $1,000

Secondary School

First place: $3,000

Runner up: $1,500

Runner up: $1,500

Prize money is divided equally between the winning student/s and their school, with the school receiving 50% of the prize money.

Representatives from the finalist teams will win a trip to Sydney for the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Award Ceremony.

Each finalist will also be awarded a share in vouchers from Abbey's Bookshop. For team entries, book vouchers are shared equally among students.

What are some ways you can assist a student with preparing a well-organised and imaginative response that addresses the assessment criteria? Read the blog post

Got a query about your Sleek Geeks entry? Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for fast feedback on eligibility, entry materials, online entry forms and timelines.

If you can't find what you're looking for, contact the Eureka Prizes team via eureka@australian.museum or phone (02) 9320 6230.

Contact the Eureka Prizes team

Your contact information will only be used to provide you with updates on the Eureka request and subscribed AM newsletters. Please read the privacy collection notice for more information about how we handle your information.