Blog archive:
The Australian Museum Visits Manly
Our Science Communications team recently visited Manly to help out at the Ocean Care Day Festival, now in its 20th year.
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Streamwatch 2013
It has been a huge year for the Streamwatch Team supporting volunteers and running events across Sydney.
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Spiders in your backyard
This is a great time of year to explore the diversity of spiders in your backyard.
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World Water Monitoring Day
What are you going to do to recognise World Water Monitoring day?
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Chullora Wetlands Streamwatch engagement day
To recognise Threatened Species day the Streamwatch team in conjunction with Sydney Water organised a tour of Chullora Wetlands.
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SciFest 2013
The Australian Museum is participating in SciFest a video conferencing festival promoting science and technology.
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Exploring DNA
What do you know about DNA? Find out how to use common household items to extract DNA from your next fruit salad.
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World Environment Day 2013
The 2013 World Environment Day theme is Think.Eat.Save.This anti-food waste and food loss campaign encourages you to reduce your foodprint.
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World Migratory Bird Day 2013
To recognise World Migratory Bird Day Australian Museum Streamwatch volunteers participated in a wetlands day at Bicentennial Park.
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HSC students explore Alexander in Great depth
HSC students experienced an intensive day studying Alexander the Great.
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Clean Up Australia Day 2013
Clean Up Australia Day is a simple way you can take action to clean up, fix up and conserve our prized Australian environment.
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ALIVE Youth Conference
We went out to the ALIVE Youth conference to show the students some of the Australian Museum's environmental and sustainability programs.
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Meet the Streamwatch Team
At the beginning of the 2013 the Australian Museum took over the running of Streamwatch a community water quality monitoring program.
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Museum2you - 2012 review
Museum2you was successfully trialled in 2012 and far exceeded our expectations.