Life at Lizard: Goby gardening
Dr Danielle Dixson and Dr Jodie Rummer are working with beautiful little fish that most people never see.
Snail taxonomy: when genitals matter
Two new species of land snail discovered in the Australian Outback that represent previously unknown genera: the penises gave them away.
Life at Lizard: Light trapping
“I’m going to work” takes on a whole new meaning when you’re a marine scientist on a tropical island.
Natural History of Australia’s First National Park
Do you like to visit the Royal National Park? Scientists do too.
Flying Frogs: the aerodynamic amphibians
Some frogs have well and truly taken a leap into the trees
Frequent fires empty the honeypot
Honeyeater birds favour Blue Mountains heathlands with longer fire-free periods, but current fire frequencies tend to be much higher.
At the Museum
Tribute to Sparky the Diamond Python
Recently, the Museum said a final goodbye to one of its best-known resident animals, Sparky.
Howard Hughes
Just like his namesake, the Australian Museum filmmaking pioneer, Howard Hughes, had a passion for film.
Fruit Flies: A Case of Mistaken Identity
Have you ever left some ripe fruit on the kitchen bench overnight only to find a swarm of tiny flies hovering there the next morning?
Life at Lizard: Impressions of a first-time visitor
Flying there was just as I expected: beautiful panoramas of jewel-coloured ocean with reefs and islands scattered throughout.
Giant Tortoise Sectioned
The Australian Museum Trust minutes are a continuing source of wonder.
Sneaky hoppers in the Australian tropics
Molecular genetics has revealed some unexpected hopping ability in a poorly known tropical kangaroo.