Waitangi Day 2013
What is Waitangi Day and how is the Museum involved in this year's celebrations?
The Spirit of Things: Day 2
Australian music group, Stiff Gins, continue to draw inspiration from the objects in our Indigenous Collections and create new songs.
The Spirit of Things: Day 1
Australian band, Stiff Gins, have arrived at the Museum to begin work on an exciting new project involving our Indigenous collections.
Meet the Streamwatch Team
At the beginning of the 2013 the Australian Museum took over the running of Streamwatch a community water quality monitoring program.
On unicorns...
This beautifully preserved book is a scientific examination into unicorns and other horned beasts dating from 1645.
Foundation Supports Torres Strait Art Project
One of the many joys of being a fundraiser is being able to generate support for valuable projects that make a difference.
Alexander the Great teacher surveys
We surveyed teachers about their personal and professional usage of digital technologies.
Pacific Youth Reconnection Project
What is it, why is it needed and how is the Museum involved?
Sydney Fiji Day 2012
How and why did the Australian Museum participate in the Sydney Fiji Day 2012 Festivities?
Museum Research Associate wins John Mulvaney Book Award
Our research associates continue to produce award-winning publications.
What are museums for?
Two interesting reports came across my desk over the break that address this key question...
Museum2you - 2012 review
Museum2you was successfully trialled in 2012 and far exceeded our expectations.
Huge, Green Flying Frog discovered in the lowland forests of Vietnam
Meet Helen's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus helenae). A huge, green, "flying" frog that, up until now, was completely unknown to science.
Lantern slide collections in the AM Archives
Illuminating the Australian Museum's first image library - 30,000 glass lantern slides.