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What are museums for? interesting reports came across my desk over the break that address this key question...
Popping up at a museum near you Pop-Up Museum? We had one today! Read on to find out more...
You Want Me To...Be Subjective?'s not like they're asking me to turn cartwheels down the exhibit halls, but feels strange.
How has identity been described in a museum context? post about identity outlining what has been written about identity in the museum context.
Museums and Web 2.0 and links for a Masterclass I'm teaching on March 24, 2010, for University of Technology students.
The Participatory Museum to a talk on The Participatory Museum given by Nina Simon on 9 December as part of the Powerhouse Museum's Innovation Series. Here's my notes.
Learning Process: The Bow in Question double life of wooden bow habou-numa from Lake Kopiago.
Museum Studies and the Nature of Museums Today notes and commentary from this article published in Volume 30, Number 1 edition of the Exhibitionist. Thanks to Gretchen Jennings for passing it on and to the seven respondents in the article for their considered comments which I've shamelessly borrowed.
Short notes from Transformations Conference are my quick notes from this conference held in Melbourne on 14-15 April.
The Barriers of Museum Visiting For Young Adults key barriers preventing young adults from attending museums was the first topic investigated in the audience research study. Engaging Young Adults in Museums.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
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