Developing rich media for museums: a way forward?
Rich media (i.e. video) is fast becoming a key way to present museum content both onsite, online and via mobile. How can this work in a manageable and structured way?
Eagle rays in the shallows
This movie shows eagle rays (probably Southern Eagle Rays, Myliobatis australis) in very shallow water at Hopetoun, Western Australia.
Saddled Snake Eel, Leiuranus semicinctus
A Saddled Snake Eel at a depth of 1 m, New Caledonia, 2011.
Fish mimicking octopus mimicking fish!
The Mimic Octopus (Thaumoctopus mimicus) has been known for some years for its ability to mimic flatfish, lionfish and seasnakes. A recent discovery in Indonesia adds a whole new twist to this story. The Black-marble Jawfish (Stalix cf. histrio) mimics the Mimic Octopus.
Wave Energy Technology: Greek sea goddess CETO to the rescue
Named after a Greek sea goddess, CETO is a wave energy technology that converts ocean swells into zero-emission electricity and zero-emission desalinated freshwater.
Michael Sharland
We are about to start a project to digitise and transcribe the Nature Diaries of ornithologist, journalist and environmentalist Michael Sharland.
Should museums be more like magazines?
Is the magazine approach to content production a useful model for museums?
Balinese Women Artists: Collecting their Stories and Paintings
Balinese Paintings: collaborative research. Siobhan Campbell, Sydney University and Stan Florek - Australian Museum, October 2011.
Promos, exhibitions and happy holidays
We have been checking out some of the clever promos and e-cards from our colleagues. Here's a range of cool ones...
The Octopus and the 'Living Fossil': Closer Than We Thought
Q&A with the Museum biologist who helped answer an enduring question about the family tree of the second largest group of animals on earth: molluscs.
At the Museum
Ask a curator: What's Yiwarra Kuju?
A Q&A with John Carty, anthropologist and co-curator of our new exhibition, Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route.
A Pride of Lions
A group of African lions first installed in the Museums entrance area in 1910 have recently made a spectacular comeback. Three of the original four have now been placed in the revamped atrium area - and look as arresting as they did back then.
Responsive Web Design and Museums
Is responsive design the next big thing for the web? What does this mean for museum websites and app development?
Indigenous Communities and the Digital Realm
What could the digital space do for Indigenous communities asks Phil Gordon?
Oceans: the litmus test
The oceans absorb much of the carbon dioxide we emit, but have they reached breaking point? asks ecologist Alan Jones.