Blog archive:
March 2014
Eureka Prizes 2014: Entries are now open!
With the start of February comes a brand new year of Australian science prizes. This is an exciting time for us in the Eureka office.
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The art of apps: Archives wants you to hold our 150-year-old paintings
‘The Art of Science: butterfly and moth paintings by the Scott sisters' is a free, award-winning app available for iOS and Android phones.
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Feathers of the Gods: Koala Genome Project
We've assembled a talented multidisciplinary team to sequence all of the approximately 20,000 genes in the Koala.
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Feathers of the Gods: The Frog that Sings Like a Bird
Tree Frog, Gracixalus quangi, is a frog like no other.
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Glorious new marine taxa from Australia and abroad
What’s in a name? The joys of naming new species.