Australian Museum
News Stories
Read the latest news stories from the Australian Museum.
FrogID Week 2023 – over 31,000 frog records gathered across Australia
The sixth annual FrogID Week has once again rapidly gathered data for frog conservation thanks to tens of thousands of citizen scientists.
Fighting the flames – how did frogs fare after the Black Summer bushfires?
FrogID citizen science data collected before and after the bushfires shows where frog populations persisted and where they might need our help.
Saturday Lecture Series: Journey to the Afterlife
Come on a journey to the afterlife with archaeologist Dr Anna-Latifa Mourad-Cizek as we explore everything from beliefs and practices to tombs and funerary equipment.
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Egypt - In Conversation: An Introduction to Egypt
In the first instalment of the Australian Museum’s exclusive Egypt - In Conversation series, curator and Egyptologist Dr Melanie Pitkin sits down with journalist and passionate Egyptophile Caroline Baum for An Introduction to Egypt.
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Saturday Lecture Series: The Afterlife of Ramses II's Tomb
In the premiere instalment of our Saturday Lecture Series, Macquarie University Professor Malcolm Choat uncovers the history of KV7 - The tomb of Ramses the Great.
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The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)
The United Nations Climate Conference (COP28), currently underway in the United Emirates is the first time that the Australian Museum (AM) has been invited to participate in this global event.
Safeguarding Australia's unique botanical diversity
In conversation with Dr Noushka Reiter, winner of the 2023 Australian Institute of Botanical Science Eureka Prize for Excellence in Botanical Science.
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Back from the brink: Snail success stories
Members of the Australian Museum Malacology team – Dr Frank Köhler and Dr Isabel Hyman – and Taronga Zoo colleague, Parnee Bonson, visited Phillip Island as part of the AM-led Norfolk Island expedition. The team were on the look-out for Critically Endangered snails, and the results were astounding!
Fostering active participation in turtle conservation
In conversation with Associate Professor Ricky Spencer from the 1 Million Turtles Community Conservation Program, winner of the 2023 Department of Industry, Science and Resources Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science.
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Smells like home: Assessing the differences in odour profiles of Shingleback lizards
As part of her PhD research, Dr Amber Brown, with supervisors Dr Greta Frankham, Dr Maiken Ueland and Dr Barbara Stuart, assessed Shingleback lizard odour profiles across the species distribution. This resulted in a new method of detecting and identifying this highly trafficked and smuggled species.
Ulysses to Frankham: Celebrating award winning science
Emeritus Professor Richard Frankham, an influential biologist, researcher and long-standing Research Associate of the Australian Museum, has recently been awarded the prestigious 2023 Ulysses S. Seal Award for Innovation in Conservation.
Ancient Egyptian Lecture Series
Our Photographic Archives team have uncovered lantern slides from a 1925 Ancient Egypt Lecture Series delivered by Museum Ethnologist, William Walford Thorpe.
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Celebrating Dr Anne Hoggett AM and Dr Lyle Vail AM and the 50th anniversary of the Lizard Island Research Station
At the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation 50th Anniversary dinner, Dr Anne Hoggett AM and Dr Lyle Vail AM were awarded the 2023 Australian Museum Research Institute Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of their tireless work in advancing our understanding of coral reef biology.
2023 Sydney Science Trail: A record-breaking time!
For the fourth year running, the Australian Museum hosted the Sydney Science Trail (August 14-19) – and with record-breaking numbers! Learn how our scientists, education and programming teams took part in this jam-packed program with primary and secondary students, teachers and families.
The Norfolk Island puzzle: Identifying new insect and spider species
The ongoing identification of insect and spider specimens collected during the Australian Museum-led Norfolk Island expedition is throwing up a host of new family and species records & plenty of puzzles. The AM Arachnology & Entomology team tell us about these exciting finds and the work ahead.