Blog archive:
October 2011
Water, Water, Everywhere....
Water, water, everywhere and not a drop drink. poetic lines, but closer to the truth than you may think.
Education -
Heritage is one of the victims of conflict
A few weeks ago I was standing in the ruins of Stari Bar, or the old town of Bar, in Montenegro. Its an eerie but beautiful place on the coast of Montenegro.
Museullaneous -
For Arts Sake! – Visiting Bali #5
Good news about organic rice told by Wayan, one of the community leaders.
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Notes from the Deep
Notes from the Deep. A look inside the development of the Deep Oceans exhibition from a 3D Designers desk.
At the Museum -
Parents and kids use of social media
Been asked by Serena, our Manager of Members, if we have any data about use of social media by parents and kids. I've found a little but keen to hear of any more...
Museullaneous -
It's a wrap! How to bag a canoe
Why would our Materials Conservation team put a 14.5 metre canoe in a plastic bag?
Science -
Museum Studies and the Nature of Museums Today
Some notes and commentary from this article published in Volume 30, Number 1 edition of the Exhibitionist. Thanks to Gretchen Jennings for passing it on and to the seven respondents in the article for their considered comments which I've shamelessly borrowed.
Museullaneous -
Let’s Get Real Research Report
Culture24 released this report in September 2011 looking at ‘How to Evaluate Online Success’. Authored by Jane Finnis, Seb Chan and Rachel Clements, it has some great information and findings. Here’s some of my takeaways.
Museullaneous -
Mining in the backyard
Privately owned land can be mined, and there is not much farmers can do or say about it. Should farmers have more rights to what happens on their own turf?
Education -
More Power to the EPA
New environmental laws giving the Environmental Protection Authourity (EPA) more power pass in the NSW State Parliment unopposed in the shadow of the Carbon Tax.
Education -
For Arts Sake! – Visiting Bali #3
Mythical themes and characters are omnipresent and mingle freely with daily life and modernity.
Science -
ASTC 2011 Presentation
Online delivery at the Australian Museum, Sydney - my talking points for the ASTC 2011 conference.
Museullaneous -
The Open and Learning Museum Conference
Attended this conference held in Tampere, Finland, on 11-12 October. Here's some links I promised to post.