Ask a curator...1 September 2010
Wednesday 1 September is not only the beginning of Spring (or Fall if you're in the wrong end of the hemisphere), it's international "Ask a curator..." day!
According to their website:
Ask a Curator Day' on September 1st 2010 will open the door to these experts with a unique worldwide question and answer session which will let interested members of the public put questions to museum and gallery curators.
This reminds me of a study we did in preparation for our (old) dinosaur exhibition (circa 1993!). We asked children around Australia for their commonly asked questions about dinosaurs. To the curator's surprise (but not to mine I hasten to add) one of the most common questions was How much do palaeontologists get paid? (Answer = not much!).
Anyway, hopefully we'll get a whole range of interesting questions from our audiences for many curators around the world. If you want to ask our Museum do so on the search & discover Twitter account:
Use the hashtag #askacurator on September 1 to follow all those great questions.
See you on Twitter!