Citizen Science 1960s Style: Butterflies at Sea
A ship's captain gets involved in citizen science.
World Water Monitoring Day
What are you going to do to recognise World Water Monitoring day?
Chullora Wetlands Streamwatch engagement day
To recognise Threatened Species day the Streamwatch team in conjunction with Sydney Water organised a tour of Chullora Wetlands.
World's Ugliest Animal?
In 2013 Mr Blobby was voted the 'world's ugliest animal'. I would like to set the record straight!
Signing off (Polychaetes Conference 2013 )
On Sunday August 4, 2013 the registration desk of the 11th Polychaete Conference opened...
Aboriginal voices from the 1980s
Indigenous theatre, music and political activism in Australia through poster art from the 80s and 90s.
From Lizard Island – Part 3 (Polychaetes Conference 2013)
This morning another two dives were made, one at 24m on a flat sandy bottom with Halophila and lots of solitary corals.
From Lizard Island - Part 2 (Polychaetes Conference 2013)
After almost 10 days of collecting polychaetes we have almost 1100 registered lots of seaworms representing over 50 families.
Balinese Expressions: Dr Siobhan Campbell
Connoisseur and scholar of Balinese art and culture.
August 23, 1831 - shot with his own gun
Today is the anniversary of the unfortunate death of the Museum's first employee, William Holmes.
From Lizard Island - Part 1 (Polychaetes Conference 2013)
Directly after the 11th International Polychaete Conference a group of researchers headed off to Lizard Island Research Station.
Philosophy of Systematic Course (Polychaetes Conference 2013)
One of the preconference workshops was a 5 day intensive course on the Philosophy of Biological Systematics.