What's in the Box - Bermagui Bioblitz

© Australian Museum
Everything came together today for the Bermagui Bioblitz, 5 school joined forces to survey 3 coastal ecosystems.
Students from Narooma Highschool, Tathra public school, Bermagui public school, Cobargo public school and Towamba public school all came down to participate in the Bioblitz. The Bermagui Bioblitz is an initiative of the Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness, they are trying to get a detailed view of the local biodiversity.
The students were divided into 3 groups and surveyed the estuary, wetland and the beach. There was an amazing amount of data collected and volunteers and staff from the Atlas of Living Australia are identifying, collating and uploading the data.
It was an amazing day and great to see the enthusiasm from the students. I'm ready to do it all again tomorrow!