What you had to say about the deep ocean
In the recent deep ocean frontend survey people were asked the two questions below. Variety is the spice of life!
What would you expect an exhibition on the deep ocean to look like/contain?
weird and wonderful, creepy, shocking, scary, interactive, fun, tastes and smells and sounds, eerie, frightening, magical, beautiful
"lots of deep-sea angler-fish" according to my 5yo "and the scariest sharks in the world". "I really want to know how deep it gets." I would expect it to be dark with glowing exhibits.
Be very dark with spotlights, maybe even feeling cooler than the rest of the museum. Extremely informative with
lots of models and examples.
Critters without color or eyes.
sounds of the deep
Unfamiliar species. Information on the adaptive traits of deepwater fauna. Conservation issues/challenges.
Dark - I'm not a big underwater fan - but I think my children would like it. One of those old diving suits with the big bubble head.
Fish that use light, giant squid, huge fish etc. Maybe references to 20 thousand leagues under the sea versus the truth
I would expect the exhibition to be dark, containing Giant Squid and glowing creatures. Children may associate well to something similar to the deep ocean scenes in Finding Nemo.
Hands-on interactive display, similar to the current one with the crocodile, shark, ants, etc. Would be great to have a walk-through of what the ocean floor is like.
Unusual environment.
Why should I care about the deep ocean?
It helps form part of a global ecosystem and its health has effects worldwide.
It is important to understand how all life and environments interact on earth.
Because is a rather unexplored and could gain great knowledge of there.
Untapped potential for minerals, natural resources and a possible survival habitat for mankind moving forward
its part of the earth
It’s not ours to pollute & we are killing ourselves when we kill our oceans
Because oceans are bigger than land and scientists don't know much about the oceans.
preservation for future generations. its part of our overall environment and we should care about limiting damage
and preserving all types of environments anyway
Good question, I am not really sure. I find it fascinating, but I'm not sure if conservation is an issue.
Because it's the only thing we have left to explore!
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