This week marks the 175th year of recognition of the Australian South Sea Islander community; a moment of dual reflection on both the atrocities and the celebration of the Australian South Sea Islander story.

An opportunity for wider Australia to acknowledge its own slave history and a colonial history in which this country was built on the backs of.

This week alongside the Australian South Sea Islander community, we at the Australian Museum stand in solidarity with our Pasifika kinfolk in recognising 175 years of the Australian South Sea Island peoples and their story and their widely silenced contribution to the Australian narrative.

We honour their story past, present and well into the future.

Last week the Pasifika team were fortunate enough to sit with Sydney City Councillor, Emelda Davis, and Dr Sonya Pearce to hear their stories, to share space and to celebrate the Australian South Sea Islander story: 175 years ago, to now and well into the future.