J24600 Asterodiscides truncatus Click to enlarge image
J24600 Asterodiscides truncatus Image: Stephen Keeble
© Australian Museum

Fast Facts

  • Classification


The domed, pincushion-like shape, rounded tubercles on the aboral surface, large body size, and purple and orange colouration are distinctive.

Size range:

Width 100 mm.


Inshore, continental shelf and slope of temperate areas of Australia from Solitary Is., NSW, to off Eucla, Great Australian Bight WA, and Tasmania. Depth range 14-804 m.

Australian Museum registration database records for the Sydney region:

east of Broken Bay; 3.2 kms offshore between Long Reef & Dee Why; 40 kms east of Manly; east of Port Jackson; 4-6.4 km east of Botany Bay. Depth range 0 (possibly washed up after a storm)-804 m.


Reef, silt.

Taxonomic information - synonyms and type material:

Asterodiscus truncatus Coleman, 1911: 699, figs 123-125, pl.83.
Type data: syntypes AM J1053, AM J2047.
Type locality: off Botany Bay, NSW, and off east coast of VIC, (St Francis Is., SA, specimen apparently lost), east coast of VIC.


Readily found at ‘Jolong Reef’ approximately 700m north east of Cape Banks at ~20m depth, November 2008.

Links for further information:

Additional references:

Clark (1946); Rowe (1977); Rowe (1985); Edgar (1997).