J24331 Parvulastra exigua Click to enlarge image
J24331 Parvulastra exigua Image: Stephen Kebble
© Australian Museum

Fast Facts

  • Classification
  • Size Range
    Width 20mm


Flattened pentagonal shape with five short arms (less than width of central disc), with obtusely rounded webbed divisions between each arm. Aboral surface colour variable, brown to blue-green, with patches of red.


Inshore temperate to subantarctic areas including Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands, from Currumbin, Qld south to Tasmania and west to Spencer Gulf, SA; South Africa; Amsterdam and St Paul Islands. Littoral.

Australian Museum registration database records for the Sydney region:

Pittwater (Towlers Bay); Long Reef; Manly (Fairy Bower; Shelley Beach); Port Jackson (Spit Bridge; Chowder Bay; Watsons Bay; Shell Cove; Shark Island; Fairlight); Coogee. Depth range 0-2 m.


Rock pools.

Taxonomic information - synonyms and type material:

Asterias exigua Lamarck, 1816: 554.
Type data: neotype TM H508.
Type locality: False Bay, South Africa.

Asterina krausii Gray, 1840: 289.
Type data: syntypes BMNH 1840 11.25.1, BMNH 1840.11.25.5.
Type locality: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa.

J24331 Parvulastra exigua

Parvulastra exigua

Image: R.T. Springthorpe
© Australian Museum

Links for further information:

Atlas of Living Australia

World Register of Marine Species

Additional references:

Clark (1946); Dartnall (1971); Rowe (1989); O’Loughlin & Waters (2004); Edgar (1997).