J24325 Pentagonaster dubeni Click to enlarge image
J24325 Pentagonaster dubeni Image: Stephen Keeble
© Australian Museum

Fast Facts

  • Classification
  • Size Range
    Width 80mm


Flattened with five rigid, slightly tapering, arms that are subequal in length to the cental disc and bluntly rounded distally. Arms are separated by obtusely rounded arcs. Dorsal surface with a network of polygonal plates that are largest and broadly rectangular along margins, red-orange plates separated by fine, yellow-white incisions.


Temperate inshore and continental shelf areas from southern Qld south to Tasmania and west to Shark Bay, WA. Depth range 0-160 m.

Australian Museum registration database records for the Sydney region:

Australian Museum registration database records for the Sydney region:
Long Reef; Port Jackson (Quarantine Bay; Wy-ar-gine Point); Cronulla area (Bate Bay; Boat Harbour). Depth range 1-31 m.


Moderately exposed and sheltered reef.

Taxonomic information - synonyms and type material:

Pentagonaster dubeni Gray, 1847: 79.
Type data: holotype (probable) BMNH 1846.6.7.27.
Type locality: 'W Australia'.

Astrogonium crassimanum Möbius,1859: 9, pl. 2(1-2).
Type data: holotype (probable) whereabouts unknown
Type locality: 'E Indies'.

Pentagonaster stibarus Clark 1914: 136, pl. 17.
Type data: holotype WAM Z1743 (larger of the two specimens; old number: 4916), paratype(s) WAM 1744 1 specimen (old number: 4916).
Type locality: between Fremantle and Geraldton, WA.

J24325 Pentagonaster dubeni

Pentagonaster dubeni

Image: Stephen Keeble
© Australian Museum

Links for further information:

Atlas of Living Australia

World Register of Marine Species


Readily found at Bare Island and Inscription Point, Botany Bay, in spring and summer months, 2007-2008, and ‘Jolong Reef’ approximately 700m north east of Cape Banks at ~20m depth, November 2008.

Additional references:

Clark (1946) (as Pentagonaster crassimanus (Möbius, 1859)); Marsh (1991); Edgar (1997).