Blotched Jawfish, Opistognathus latitabundus
Scientific name: Opistognathus latitabundus

A Blotched Jawfish caught on hook and line (lure) at the entrance to the marina, Gladstone, Queensland, September 2015.
Image: Brett Ellis
© Brett Ellis
© Brett Ellis
The Blotched Jawfish is tropical species that occurs around Australia's northern coast from north-western Western Australia to Mackay, Queensland. This fish extends the known range of the species south to Gladstone
Thank you to Jeff Johnson for identifying the fish.

Anterior view of a Blotched Jawfish in an aquarium. The fish was caught on hook and line (lure) at the entrance to the marina, Gladstone, Queensland, September 2015.
Image: Brett Ellis
© Brett Ellis
© Brett Ellis
Anterior view of a Blotched Jawfish in an aquarium. The fish was caught on hook and line (lure) at the entrance to the marina, Gladstone, Queensland, September 2015.