The first climate communications centre in Australia’s museum sector, the Climate Solutions Centre works to increase positive public engagement in climate change.

About the Climate Solutions Centre

The Australian Museum (AM) has established a Climate Solutions Centre (CSC) to bring together cutting-edge research and insights from people on the ground to create ways of engaging broad audiences with climate solutions.

The CSC has commenced work (June 2022), upscaling the AM’s existing climate initiatives. The CSC team is reaching more people than ever with exhibitions, touring exhibitions, events, workshops, digital resources and school programs.

Our purpose

  • Collaboration

    To bring people together to inform and inspire commitment to climate solutions.

  • Communication

    To communicate powerful stories for positive futures.

  • Engagement

    To engage a wider audience for climate change through the AM’s outreach onsite, offsite and online.

Current highlights

Future Now diorama in Hintze Hall - Feb 2023

Future Now, a touring exhibition about sustainability created by the Australian Museum. Featuring three dioramas that bring sustainable landscapes to life, the exhibition showcases exciting ways Australians are taking action now to create the future they want.

Image: Abram Powell
© Australian Museum

  • Future now

    Future Now, a touring exhibition about sustainability created by the Australian Museum. Featuring three dioramas that bring sustainable landscapes to life, the exhibition showcases exciting ways Australians are taking action now to create the future they want. On display now at the Australian Museum.

  • Mt Resilience

    Mt Resilience, a virtual town to explore ways we can face fires, floods and storms effectively.

  • Talbot Oration

    The Talbot Oration, an annual event bringing great thinkers and innovators to the stage.


The Climate Solutions Centre is headed up by Kim McKay, Director & CEO of the Australian Museum along with the Executive Leadership Team and is managed by Dr Jenny Newell.

An Advisory Panel has been appointed, bringing together twenty-eight of Australia’s greatest minds in climate solutions. The Advisory Panel members help guide and inform the CSC’s programs.

For more information contact:

Technological climate change solutions

Discover the future of clean energy with advanced technologies like efficient solar panels, wind turbines, and electric cars. Explore how cities are leading the way to 100% renewable energy.

Natural climate change solutions

Climate change poses a significant threat to our environment, but nature itself holds the key to powerful solutions. Discover how seaweed, forest regeneration, and wetland protection can combat climate change and protect our planet.

Community-based climate change solutions

Community-level sustainability measures are crucial for health, well-being, and disaster resilience. Discover exciting initiatives in Australia and beyond, from shared gardens and local markets to solar projects and wildlife conservation. Explore how communities are building a sustainable future.

Future Now touring exhibition

Explore the benefits of sustainable living in this new exhibition jam-packed with exciting ideas for what we can do now to create a more liveable future.

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Supporting Partner

Learn about climate change with Mt Resilience

Discover how communities can plan for and respond to the impacts of climate change with Mt Resilience, an interactive webAR experience.

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