Make your own impression fossil

Children and families, Early years, Primary school -
Learning stage
Early years, Early Stage 1, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 -
Learning area
Creative Arts, Science -
Learning resources
On this page...
Fossils are the remains of past life preserved in rock, soil or amber. There are different types of fossils because remains can be preserved in a variety of ways. An impression fossil forms when the remains of the living thing decay completely but leave an impression in the sediment. They can be of an external shape or internal space.
Students can make their own impression fossil to help them understand and be able to explain how some fossils are formed, and why they are important.
For this activity, you will need:
- nature specimens such as shells, leaves, dried flowers, twigs etc.
- air-drying clay
- wire (to cut up clay)
- paint and paintbrush (optional)
Follow the steps written under the slideshow to help you create your impression fossil.