Make your own dino-rama

Early years, Primary school, Secondary school -
Learning stage
Early years, Early Stage 1, Stage 1 -
Learning area
Creative Arts, Science -
Learning resources
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Meat eating dinosaurs are called carnivores. Carnivorous dinosaurs usually had long and strong legs to help them run fast, sharp teeth and jaws to help them eat their prey, good eyesight and a good sense of smell to help them hunt. Some of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs included Spinosaurus, Giganotosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex.
Explore the external features of carnivorous dinosaurs whilst making your own dino-rama. Find out more about the dinosaurs you use in your dino-rama on our website.
- The angle of vision for all carnivorous animals is forwards to help them focus and be more successful in catching their prey.
- Giganotosaurus was a carnivorous dinosaur larger than T-rex! Giganotosaurus was discovered in Argentina, had three fingers and was approximately 13 metres long.
- T-rex's arms were too short to reach its mouth!
- What features did carnivorous dinosaurs have?
- What are the features of the dinosaurs in your dino-rama?
- What are some differences between carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs?
- What types of food do you think each dinosaur ate? How do you know?
- What do you think the environment the dinosaurs lived amongst was like?
For this activity, you will need:
- printable dinosaur sheet (see below);
- an old shoe box;
- scissors, glue, and colouring pencils;
- scrap paper, cardboard and other recyclable resources;
- natural materials found in the garden or playground.
Follow the steps written under the slideshow to help you create your dinosaur world.