Coastal Sheathtail Bat
Coastal Sheathtail Bats build up their body fat levels in autumn. They probably hibernate in winter. Pregnant females roost together.
Coastal Sheathtail Bat roost in caves, cracks, under rock ledges and piles of rocks. They roost together in large colonies in large caves which they share with other microbat species. Smaller colonies roost together in smaller places. They hang separately from each other but small groups may huddle together in winter.
Feeding and diet
Coastal Sheathtail Bats eat beetles and other insects. They often return to their roost site after catching food to eat it.
Conservation status
Coastal Sheathtail Bats are vulnerable to disturbance from human visitors to cave roosts, destruction of caves by mining, and loss of feeding habitat by clearing and land degradation from agriculture.