An image of woven craft turtles on a colourful felt mat
Woven craft turtles on a colourful felt mat. Image: Natalie Taylor
© Australian Museum

About the program
What is a Dreaming Story and why are they important?

Aimed at a younger audience, this museum educator-led program focuses on the natural features of land, water and sky Country through a Sydney-based turtle Dreaming Story. Students will discuss Aboriginal peoples' responsibility to care for Country. Finally, students will create their own woven turtle to care for.

This program takes place within Burra. The programs and resources have been specially designed or sourced to enable group work, hands-on experiences, exploration and open-ended questioning, which foster collaboration and critical thinking. The program will be facilitated by a museum educator, and we strongly encourage teacher, parent and guardian participation.

Learning objectives
In this program, students will:

  • identify specific terms Aboriginal peoples may use to refer to Country they connect to.
  • use language maps to distinguish Aboriginal Country and Torres Strait Islander places.
  • recognise Aboriginal peoples' responsibility to Country can incorporate physical, spiritual and cultural connections.
  • recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples connect to the features of Country in a variety of ways.
  • learn about the cultural significance of weaving using natural plants and fibres.

Audience: This program is bookable for Early Stage 1 and Stage 1
Cost: $10 (GST included) per student with a minimum cost of $100 per session. General entry to the Australian Museum is free.
Duration: 45 minutes
Capacity: Up to 30 students per session
Term: Term 1-4, 2025
Dates: Monday-Friday
Times: 10am, 11:00am, 12:15pm & 1:15pm

A Day at the Museum for disadvantaged schools
If you are classified as a disadvantaged Australian primary and/or secondary school with an ICSEA value of less than 1000, or a special school, as defined by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) you may be eligible for our A Day at the Museum program.

NSW Syllabus (for the Australian curriculum)

Early Stage 1
New HSIE Syllabus

A student:

  • identifies ways that Aboriginal peoples connect with Country, culture and community HSE-ACH-01
  • identifies and locates places people connect with, using geographical information HSE-GEO-01

Stage 1
New HSIE Syllabus

A student:

  • describes interactions between Aboriginal peoples and Country HS1-ACH-01
  • describes ways that people connect and care for places, water environments and each other, using geographic information HS1-GEO-01

Any changes to numbers or cancellations must be made in writing by emailing before the date for Final Confirmation (14 days prior to your visit).

Final booking numbers must be confirmed at least 14 days prior to the scheduled visit.

A tax invoice will be issued prior to your visit based on Final Confirmation details.

A tax invoice based on Final Confirmation details will be issued prior to your visit or session.

Please advise at the time of booking if the tax invoice needs to be issued to a different contact name or email address. NSW Department of Education schools that use the EDConnect payment system should advise this at time of booking and provide a purchase order number if required.

Our payment terms are net 14 days. However, it is the AM’s strong preference that bookings be paid in full prior to the visit.

Adjustments on the day – the AM will adjust the invoice amount and you must pay the difference where:
i) Group numbers increase from Final Confirmation numbers; or
ii) the Group changes to a more expensive booking/ticket.

The adjusted invoice payment terms are net 14 days. To be clear, where numbers are less than Final Confirmation numbers, no deductions or refunds will be given.

Group Bookings Terms and Conditions

For information about your excursion, arrival to the Museum and available facilities, visit our School groups page.