Education presenter with students
Education presenter works with students in a First Nations program. Image: Anna Kucera
© Australian Museum

About the program
The Australian Museum displays thousands of cultural objects that tell the story of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations’ beauty, complexity and diversity.

During this educator-led program students will investigate how First Nations peoples care for Sea Country in diverse ways and learn about sustainable practices. Students will interpret how deep connections of place form respectful interactions with environments. First Nations technology knowledges and utilisation of materials are highlighted in all content.

This program takes place in Garrigarrang (Sea Country) exhibition.

Audience: This program is bookable for Stage 2
$10 (GST included) per student with a minimum cost of $100 per session. General entry to the Australian Museum is free.
45 minutes
Up to 30 students per session
Term: Term 1-4, 2024 and 2025
Mondays & Tuesdays (2024) and Monday-Friday (2025)
10am, 11:00am, 12:15pm & 1:15pm

A Day at the Museum for disadvantaged schools
If you are classified as a disadvantaged Australian primary and/or secondary school with an ICSEA value of less than 1000, or a special school, as defined by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) you may be eligible for our A Day at the Museum program.