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Bench fee schedule
Category 2024 rate per person per night incl. GST 2025 rate per person per night incl. GST
Researcher $166.00 $174.00
Assistant to researcher $149.00 $156.00
Research student (own project) $64.00 $67.00
Assistant to research student $59.00 $63.00
Student groups (min. 10 people, min 4 nights) $106.00 $111.00
Media $250.00 $262.00
Commercial $313.00 $328.00
Snorkelling and diving gear hire costs
Item Daily Weekly
Mask $3.30 $14.00
Snorkel $3.30 $14.00
Fins $3.30 $14.00
Lycra suit (protection from sun and stingers) $5.50 $21.00
Short 5 mm wetsuit $8.00 $36.00
Sleeveless wetsuit vest with hood $5.50 $21.00
Wetsuit booties $3.30 $14.00
Scuba regulator with octopus and gauges $18.00 $72.00
Buoyancy compensator $18.00 $72.00