Virtual autopsy

An autopsy is a detailed and careful medical examination of a person's body and its organs after death, to help establish the cause of death.
On this page...
This interactive follows the human autopsy process from start to finish including an external examination, opening the body, viewing internal organs, removing the organs and weighing them, removing the brain, replacing all organs and closing the body.
The step by step demonstration of what happens during an autopsy procedure is best viewed on a desktop computer screen ie. a screen larger than 1024 pixel width - and using Chrome web browser.
When viewing on a tablet, please load in landscape orientation.
To view the text from each step of the autopsy, please select relevant sections as below.
Discover our past exhibition information about Death: the last taboo
Death is a process rather than an event. Learn more about the process and the many natural and human processes that occur after our death.
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