EWaste Click to enlarge image
Sustainability at home includes recycling electronic waste. Image: Carl Bento
© Australian Museum

Most of the rubbish we throw out can easily be kept out of landfill by keeping recyclables out of your rubbish bin.

What's in your rubbish?

What's in your rubbish?
Waste type %
Organic waste 56%
Recyclable paper 8.7%
Recyclable plastic 8.7%
Other recyclables 2.0%
General waste 21%

Source: Office of Environment and Heritage, Domestic Kerbside Waste and Recycling in NSW, 2007–2008

The Recyclables

  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Aluminium cans
  • Steel cans
  • All kinds of paper and cardboard
  • Plastic bottles

Sort it out

Set up a waste station that makes sorting easy. Include a bin for general waste, one for recyclables and one with a lid to collect all the organic material for your compost or worm farm. Label or colour-code your bins. The easier it is to use, the more you will use it.

Keep it clean

Rinse out bottles, cans and containers before you recycle them. Recyclable loads that are too dirty and contaminated with food can be rejected at the sorting plant, putting all your efforts to waste. Keeping your recycling clean will also avoid attracting little critters and keep your recycling station smelling fresh.

Buy smart

Look for products that are 'recyclable' or 'made from recycled materials' or both! Recycled materials are used to make items such as plastic bottles for drinks, laundry detergent and shampoo, cardboard boxes, aluminium and steel cans, copy and printer paper, recycling bins, construction materials and even furnishings.

Visit recyclingnearyou.com.au for information about recycling services in your area as well as drop-off options for items including computers, batteries, printer cartridges, mobile phones and many more.