FrogID: Touring exhibition unit

Primary school -
Learning stage
Stage 2, Stage 3 -
Learning area
Climate change, Science, Technology -
Learning unit, Learning resources
On this page...
Australia has over 250 known species of frog, almost all of which are found nowhere else in the world. Some species are flourishing, like the Striped Marsh Frog. But others have declined dramatically since the 1980s, and at least four have become extinct.
FrogID is Australia’s first national frog call identification project, created by the Australian Museum. It is a citizen science project that enables registered users to submit audio recordings, these are then identified, and the user is notified of what species of frog they recorded. The FrogID app also captures date, time and location data that informs Australian Museum research on frog distribution and breeding behaviour.
FrogID will be touring Stockland retail centres in 2025! From the exhibition, students will be able to learn about frog calls and habitats, environmental change, endangered frogs and (most importantly) what they can do to help our native frogs. Find out below when FrogID will be visiting a Stockland retail centre near you and organise your next excursion.
Before your visit
Acknowledgement of Country
Learn about the importance of an Acknowledgement of Country, and write one for your school.
Classifying frogs
How do we classify the living world around us and what features do we look for to group animals together?
Have you ever heard a frog call?
Have you heard any frog calls in your backyard? Maybe you have heard some and know what type of frog it was, or maybe you didn't realise they were frogs at all...
Explore the FrogID app
Download the FrogID app and learn more about what's happening to Australia’s frogs.
At the exhibition
Visit a Stockland retail centre
Drop into one of the Stockland retail centres hosting the FrogID touring exhibition in 2025.
Can you find all the frogs?
Find all the frog species in the dioramas. Keep a special eye out for the species your group profiled back in class!
After your visit
Go on a small field trip
Get out in the field to discover different frogs and their diverse habitats using the FrogID app!
Become a Sleek Geek!
Use your new knowledge of frog species to create a video that is scientifically accurate, and shows off your creativity and passion for science.
Create a frog habitat
Build a frog pond in your school, backyard or local area to encourage native frogs back into the habitat.
The Australian Museum’s FrogID Touring Exhibition is proudly supported by
Major Partner
Visit the FrogID website
There’s no way scientists can count Australia’s frogs on their own. The country’s too big and there’s too many frogs! That’s where you come in. With FrogID, citizen scientists just like you can help us put frogs on the map!
Get involved now!