• Audience
    Primary school
  • Learning stage
    Stage 2, Stage 3
  • Learning area
    English, Science
  • Type
    Learning unit, Learning resources

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Animals adaptations are features or skills which help animals survive in their habitat. They could be physical features of an animal’s body or behavioural changes in how an individual animal or a society do things in their daily lives.

Classification is a way of grouping animals based on their common features. Understanding animal adaptations and classification is essential for scientists.

Through this unit, students will:

  • understand what an animal adaptation is, and the connection to habitats and survival.
  • have greater knowledge and understanding of the main animal groups and external features used to classify.
  • have the opportunity to closely observe and investigate animals and think critically about their features.

NSW syllabus outcomes

ST2-1WS-S, ST3-1WS-S, ST2-4LW-S, ST3-4LW-S.

  • Before your visit

  • At the Museum

  • After your visit

    • Reflect on your excursion

      Students in an education program

      Use some short reflective exercises to get your students thinking about their visit to the Museum and the animals they saw.

      Item type
      For students
      10-20 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Literacy activty
      Formative assessment
    • Can you create a perfectly adapted animal?

      Wild Planet

      Create, draw, or describe your own mystical creature ensuring it has physical and behavioural adaptations suitable to an Australian habitat.

      Item type
      For students
      30-40 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Art activity
      Formative assessment
    • Become a Sleek Geek!

      University of Sydney Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize Primary finalist, Genevieve S., Bucasia State School, Qld

      Select an animal your learnt about while at the Museum, or an animal you want to learn more about and make a short video about its adaptations.

      Item type
      Group project
      Relevant Dates/Period
      1 week
      Content Summary
      Video activity
      Sustainability and climate
      Research project
      Summative assessment
    • Create your own exhibition

      Spiders exhibition at Questacon (12)

      Developing your own exhibition gives great scope for cross-curricula and project-based learning as students delve deep into a chosen topic.

      Item type
      For students
      Relevant Dates/Period
      2-3 weeks
      Content Summary
      Literacy activty
      Research project
      Summative assessment