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There is no medical doctor stationed on Lizard Island, but Lizard Island Research Station has highly qualified first aiders with access to medical equipment, supplies and advice for emergencies.

The Station has an extensive medical kit supplied by the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) as well as first aid supplies including medical oxygen. All staff are trained in first aid including medical oxygen usage and these qualifications are kept up to date with regular revision courses.

The Lizard Island Resort employs a registered nurse who is available to Research Station users during clinic hours and for emergencies - a fee is charged for the nurse's services.

RFDS doctors are available for phone consultations daily. Emergency medical evacuation from the island is arranged through the RFDS if necessary. The RFDS relies upon donations for its existence. Donations to the RFDS can be made through the Research Station.

Australians are covered by Medicare for medical evacuations. Overseas visitors are advised to carry insurance that covers them for this risk.

The nearest recompression chamber is in Townsville.