Dinosaurs unit

Primary school -
Learning stage
Early Stage 1, Stage 1 -
Learning area
English, Science -
Learning unit, Learning resources
On this page...
Dinosaurs are a group of land-dwelling reptiles with a set of physical features that distinguish them from all other reptiles. They include the extinct dinosaurs discovered through fossils, and the birds we see today. Reptiles are air-breathing vertebrate animals and lay eggs and have scales for skin. Investigate the main physical features of dinosaurs here.
Fossils are the remains of past life preserved in rock, soil or amber. Generally, the remains were once the hard parts of an organism, such as bones and shell. There are different types of fossils including trace, mineralised, impression and fossils with some organic material preserved.
Before your visit
Acknowledgement of Country
Learn about the importance of an Acknowledgement of Country, and write one for your school.
Brainstorming with dinosaurs
What do you know about dinosaurs? Brainstorm ideas about prehistoric animals and how we know they existed.
Move like a dinosaur!
As a class, look at the body shapes of lizards, dinosaurs and marine reptiles and then see if you can walk, run or swim like our prehistoric pals.
Identifying dinosaur features
Which prehistoric animals do you think you will see at the Museum? Develop a class list of dinosaurs and features you hope to see during your visit, and then create your own dinosaur by mixing up their features.
At the Museum
Book a free self-led visit
Book in a self-led visit to the Museum for your school, and use our downloadable learning resources designed to engage students in our collections and exhibitions.
Book an educator-led program
Book into our Museum educator-led program Dinosaurs: Feathers, teeth and claws, designed for students in Early Stage 1 and Stage 1.
After your visit
Have a discussion with your students about the dinosaurs and fossils seen during the excursion, and reflect on your visit.
Fossil formations
Watch a short video about how fossils form and explore our website to learn about three types of fossils: trace, body and impression.
Getting to know our fossils
Investigate the fossilised Winton Trackway, on which approximately 160 dinosaurs made their mark!
Make your own dino-rama
Explore the external features of carnivorous dinosaurs whilst making your own diorama of a dinosaur world!
Create your own exhibition
Developing your own exhibition gives great scope for cross-curricula and project-based learning as students delve deep into a chosen topic.