History and heritage at the Australian Museum
Secondary school -
Learning stage
Stage 5, Stage 6 -
Learning area
First Nations, History -
Museum educator-led

© Australian Museum
About the program
This 2-hour program is designed for Stage 5 History Elective students completing History, Heritage and Archaeology, and preliminary Stage 6 Ancient History Students completing Cultural Heritage and the Role of Museums. It will also be suitable for any Stage 5 or 6 History student looking to deepen their understanding of History and develop their historical skills.
Students will learn about the development of museums, historical construction, museum ethics, and some of the Australian Museum's work in First Nations' history. Students will also participate in an engaging escape room that will have them analysing historical sources from a range of cultures in the Westpac Long Gallery.
The programs and resources have been specially designed to enable group work, hands-on experiences, source analysis and object-based learning which foster collaboration, critical thinking and historical skills.
Stage 6 Ancient History students will develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of cultural property, repatriation, the display of human remains and how the past is represented throughout the Australian Museum.
The program will be facilitated by a museum educator, and we strongly encourage teacher, parent and guardian participation.
Audience: This program is bookable for Stage 5 and Stage 6 preliminary students.
Cost: $20 (GST included) per student with a minimum cost of $200 per session.
Duration: 120 minutes
Capacity: Up to 30 students per session
Term: Term 1-2, 2025
Dates: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Times: 10am & 12:15pm