The Australian Museum's education Cube
Primary school, Secondary school, Teachers -
Learning stage
Early Stage 1, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 -
Learning area
Climate change, First Nations, Geography, History, Science -
Museum educator-led
On this page...
The Cube is an in-exhibition teaching feature and has been specially designed to offer immersive learning experiences for school students. It sits within our exhibitions, currently Wild Planet, and contains objects and specimens from the Museum's collections. Upon opening, students attending Cube sessions will be inspired by what they see and will have the opportunity to closely inquire, observe and touch objects and specimens, prior to exploring the surrounding exhibition.
The programs and activities facilitated from the Cube have been specially designed to enable group work, hands-on experiences, exploration and critical thinking. They are facilitated by a Museum educator and aim to deepen student learning within our exhibitions.
The Cube was funded by an Education Grant from the estate of the late Patricia McDonald and the Australian Museum Foundation.
Cube programs are currently designed for primary school students within our Wild Planet exhibition.
The cost of a Cube program is $10 per student with a minimum cost of $100 per session. General entry to the Australian Museum is free.
Cube programs are 45 minutes long and run throughout the week. Click on the specific programs below to check availability and book in.
If you have booked in a Cube program, you can read more about your arrival, facilities and breaks on the School groups page.
For general information about access at the Australian Museum, please visit our Location and access page.
The Australian Museum is observing strict physical distancing and hygiene measures to protect the health of visitors and staff and minimise the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).
Read the latest visitation information here.