Dr Amy Mosig Way
Dr Amy Mosig Way is an Australian archaeologist whose mission is to support community-driven archaeological projects. Amy is a stone artefact specialist who studies the richness of past human behaviour through high-resolution lithic analysis. Amy holds a joint position with the Australian Museum and University of Sydney.
Before coming to the Museum, Amy was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Evolutionary Studies Institute, University of the Witwatersrand where she worked on Middle Stone Age stone artefact assemblages. In her Master of Archaeological Science degree (Australian National University), Amy examined human-environment interactions in arid South Australia. Amy completed her PhD research at Weereewaa (Lake George, NSW), where open-air excavations revealed multiple backed artefact production and tool crafting events. This research focused on the development of a new method for disentangling buried assemblages of stone artefacts, with a view to describing discrete stone-working activities. Amy is currently building field-based research projects with First Nations groups in NSW.
PhD, MArchSci, BA(hons)
For more on Dr Amy Mosig Way's publications, please go to Research Gate here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amy_Way3