Mark McGrouther joined the Australian Museum in 1981 and became the Collection Manager of the Fish section in 1987, staying in that role until his retirement in 2018.

He is currently a Senior Fellow in the Ichthyology section of the Australian Museum Research Institute and continues to work on Australasian Fishes and iNaturalist citizen science projects.

Career highlights

Over the course of his career, Mark McGrouther participated in over 30 collecting trips across Australia and Pacific, described two new species, had six species named after him, given numerous presentations and written many papers.

Listen to Mark talk about some of his highlights working at the Australian Museum over the course of nearly forty years.

Probably one of the most extraordinary things I've done as far as work with the collection goes, was filming the Goblin Shark. Mark McGrouther

Type specimens and citizen science

Hear Mark discuss some of the standout elements of the Australian Museum that have allowed the institution to thrive over the past century, including its collections of type specimens and its reputation as an 'honest broker'.

Here at the Australian Museum, we have the fourth biggest fish type collection in the world after the museums in Paris, London and Washington, DC. And it's an immensely important part of the collection. Mark McGrouther

Climate change and ecology

Mark explains why ongoing funding for public institutions like the Australian Museum is important, especially in the context of climate change and its impact on ecology.

As the world is increasingly suffering from the effects of climate change, we're finding species are possibly going extinct. Mark McGrouther