What's enabled the Australian Museum to keep on going over all that time, is well, number of things. There's an Act of Parliament, obviously better collections to look after our collections, that the collections are the core of the whole museum in a way. The collections are why we're here. The collections represent snapshots in time and space, of natural history and anthropology, of course, as well, there are other areas, but I'm not qualified to talk about those. Certainly the fish collection, and other natural history collections. All those 1.8 million specimens in the fish collection represent an animal that was caught in a particular place at a particular time. And we've got the database to support that. So we can answer all kinds of questions about where species occur, when they occurred, distributions changing this this kind of thing.
Unlike other institutions, like fisheries, or universities, which may do fantastic research, ecological research, whatever. They don't have the collections to back up their research, which means that if anybody questions whether, in fact it was species 'Ayus beaus', that was being worked on, or whether or in fact 'Ayus beaus', through taxonomic work, we realised is now three species. What's that going to do to the research that was based on these specimens that are no longer kept? So having the specimens is vital, they are the backbone of the museum.
And our research, of those the most important, of course, are the type specimens. And a type specimen is the specimen used in a formal description of a new species. So if you go into the harbor tomorrow, and you catch three fish that turned out to be new species, a new species, one of those will be designated the holotype, and that is the name bearing specimen. The other two are paratypes, which are if you like backups, and quite often sent to other institutions in case there's a disaster at our institution. But that one specimen, the holotype is the name bearing specimen for that species and that documents that species.
And the museum, here at the Australian Museum, we have the fourth biggest type fish type collection in the world, after the museums in Paris, London, and Washington, DC. And it's an immensely important part of the collection. Here at the Museum, we are an honest broker. And I've never been told you may not speak about this, if there's something controversial, and I have an opinion, and the Museum is backed up with research, no problems, go for it. So the media, they know what they're getting with the Australian Museum. It's on honesty and truth. And, you know, as far as we can tell, the latest information.
There's also questions from the public. We are the place to go we are geared to public inquiries, we're geared to helping the public and as I say, being an honest broker about it. And this is where my current project, the Australasian Fishes Project is doing really well to on iNaturalist because anybody from around the world if they see a fish washed up on the beach, or they've been diving or snorkeling and they photograph a fish, or they're angling or spear fishing or doing deep sea research with the ROV, if they photograph a fish, and they don't know what it is, they can stick it up on Australasian Fishes Project, and somebody will identify it for them.
So this is where the power of again, the getting back to the public the power of citizen science comes in. We've only got so many scientists here. And in fact, the number of scientists is diminishing in a way. We're utilizing all those eyes of the public, in all those different places around Australia and New Zealand where the project works. That's one of the things that does concern me too, as as our museum population, the research staff population ages, we're like getting to the point where I'm very concerned that we will lose expertise. And in Australia, we don't have the university courses that teach taxonomy, other parts of the world, they still do that. But we're going to lose this expertise and so we're going to become essentially dumber than we were, as these people start to retire and we lose their knowledge.