• Audience
    Primary school
  • Learning stage
    Stage 2, Stage 3
  • Learning area
    English, Science, Technology
  • Type
    Learning unit, Learning resources

On this page...

The Australian Museum Mineralogy and Petrology collection consists of 79,947 registered specimens: 60, 717 minerals and 19,230 rocks (including 755 meteorites).

The collection is the oldest rock and mineral collection in Australia. The mineral component is the largest of any Australian collection; and the meteorite collection is the oldest and second largest in the country.

About 35% of the collection is from NSW, 25% from other Australian states and Antarctica, and 40% from overseas.

Special features of the collection include: zeolite minerals, gemstones, Australian meteorites and tektites, the Sir Douglas Mawson Antarctic collection, the Albert Chapman mineral collection, and suites of eastern Australia mantle and crustal xenoliths from volcanic rocks.

  • Before your visit

    • Acknowledgement of Country

      Gadigal Shield and Statement of Reflection

      Learn about the importance of an Acknowledgement of Country, and write one for your school.

      Item type
      For teachers
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      First Nations activity
      Mapping activity
    • What is a mineral?

      Mineral specimen

      Introduce your students to what a mineral is, provide some common examples and learn about some of the properties they share.

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
    • Mineral or rock?

      Rocks and Minerals

      What is the difference between a mineral and a rock? Learn about how rocks are formed and investigate some minerals from the Museum's collection.

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Formative assessment
    • Geologist, mineralogist or petrologist?

      Ross Pogson

      Read about Ross Pogson, his childhood love of minerals and what he does at the Australian Museum.

      Item type
      For students
      30-45 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Downloadable worksheet
      Mineral factsheet
    • Rock hunt

      Limestone formations in the Imperial Cave at Jenolan Caves, NSW, Australia.

      Listen to a story about rocks and then get outside to find a rock or mineral that interests you! Use slow looking to find out its properties.

      Item type
      For students
      30-45 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Video activity
      Physical activity
  • At the Museum

  • After your visit

    • Rock research

      Precious boulder opal in the Minerals gallery

      Use the Minerals Education Coalition database to investigate the rocks and minerals you collected before your visit to the Museum.

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Digital interactive
      Research project
    • Testing time!

      A collection of rocks and a learning activity

      Record observations about your mineral or rock to help you classify and identify it.

      Item type
      For students
      45-60 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Numeracy activty
      Research project
    • Minerals mix and match

      Sir Douglas Mawson Collection composite

      In groups, find ways to order and classify your rock and mineral specimens with a dichotomous key. Colour, size, shape, texture – you choose!

      Item type
      Group project
      15-30 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Formative assessment
    • The hardest question

      Gem crystal specimen, Beryl (heliodor) - Warren Somerville collection

      What is special about a mineral's hardness? Complete an experiment to determine your group's hardest mineral!

      Item type
      For students
      45-60 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Summative assessment
    • Create your own exhibition

      Spiders exhibition at Questacon (12)

      Our class rocks! With your class, plan an exhibition that showcases the rocks and minerals everyone collected and studied.

      Item type
      For students
      Relevant Dates/Period
      2-3 weeks
      Content Summary
      Literacy activty
      Research project
      Summative assessment