• Audience
    Secondary school, Tertiary
  • Learning stage
    Stage 4, Stage 5, Stage 6
  • Learning area
    Careers, Science, Technology
  • Type
    Learning resources, Virtual excursions

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Did you know that every frog species makes a different sound and that they can croak, whistle, bleat and even bark? This free virtual excursion with Dr Jodi Rowley will explain to students why frogs call, how they are adapted to survive in different environments and how recording their calls can help us understand and conserve our ecosystems.

Dr Jodi Rowley

Dr Jodi Rowley is the Curator of Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Biology at the Australian Museum Research Institute, the University of New South Wales, and is Lead Scientist for FrogID – Australia's citizen science project focusing on frogs. FrogID Week runs from 3-12 November 2023.

Dr Jodi Rowley
Selfie of Dr Jodi Rowley in the field at Top Crossing, Groote Eylandt, NT Image: Dr Jodi Rowley
© Dr Jodi Rowley