Library Guides for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Material

Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Material in the Australian Museum Research Library
The Australian Museum Research Library holds a large collection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural material in published works dating from soon after First Contact up until the present day. This includes books, journals, conference papers, pamphlets, theses, and educational resources and kits.
Many of these works are the Australian Museum’s own publications, written by Museum staff. Material about or by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people held by the Library also reflects the Museum’s changing institutional approaches to researching and presenting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
To assist researchers, the Library has produced six subject guides on the following topics:
- Aboriginal Sydney Resources
- Aboriginal Words as Place Names
- Australian Archaeology Resources
- Conference Papers
- Cultural Material in the Mel Ward Library Collection
- Theses and Museum Catalogues
A note on content and language in works and catalogue records
Please note that the Library's catalogue and holdings may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
Library users are advised that some items in our collection may contain culturally offensive words or descriptions, which reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written that may not be considered appropriate today. Some subject terms used in the Library catalogue may now be considered outdated or inappropriate. Subject reclassification using AIATSIS thesaurus terms is underway but may take some time to complete.