Common Pipi
Goolwa Cockle, Surf Clam

Common Pipi, Plebidonax deltoides
Image: Dr Isobel Bennett© Australian Museum
This is one of the most common molluscs encountered on Sydney's ocean beaches. The Pipi lives only a few centimetres beneath the surface and uses its muscular foot to burrow into the sand
The Common Pipi's strong, smooth shell is off white or light pink with purple inside.
Common Pipis live on exposed sandy beaches and in intertidal areas.
Common Pipis are found around coastal Australia.
Other behaviours and adaptations
An important part of the diet of local Aborigines, Common Pipi remains have been found in Aboriginal midden sites dating back 2,000 years.
Sea birds feed on Common Pipis and can be seen wading in the wet sand using their feet to search for them. Humans also collect Common Pipis for bait or to eat.