Torresian Crow, Corvus orru Click to enlarge image
Torresian Crow, Corvus orru Image: Jeff Melvaine

Fast Facts

  • IUCN Conservation Status
  • Classification

What do Torresian Crows look like?


The Torresian Crow is a large glossy black crow with short throat hackles (feathers). The feathers of the head and neck have white bases. The eye is white with a fine blue eye-ring. Immature birds are duller black with a brown eye. When landing, this species characteristically shuffles its wings. It will be seen outside breeding season in large flocks. It has also been called the Australian Crow.

Where do Torresian Crows live?


The Torresian Crow is found on rainforest fringes, in open forests and woodlands, taller scrublands, beaches and in dry areas, along watercourses with tall timber. It is also found around farms and in croplands. It requires tall trees for nesting.


The Torresian Crow is found across northern Australia and in Western Australia, from Geraldton to Norseman. It is more common in coastal and tropical areas, being only patchily distributed inland. It is also found in Papua New Guinea, the Moluccas and New Britain. It is the most common corvid (crow or raven) of coastal towns from Forster, New South Wales to Brisbane, Queensland and also in Darwin, Northern Territory.

What do Torresian Crows eat and how do they communicate?

Feeding and diet

The Torresian Crow eats the most grain, compared with other corvids, but will also eat fruit, insects and other invertebrates, eggs, garbage and carrion (dead animals). Often seen feeding along roads. Perches on the heads of crop plants or on tall artificial structures.


Nasal, staccato caw: 'uk-uk-uk-uk', usually more than three notes. Also harsher 'arr-arr-arr' aggressive call.

What are Torresian Crows breeding behaviours?

Breeding Behaviour/s

The Torresian Crow forms monogamous breeding pairs that maintain a permanent territory. Both sexes build the nest, which is a bowl of sticks lined with grass, placed high in a tree (over 10 m) or artificial structure. The Torresian Crow's nest is made of finer material than the other corvid species'. Both parents share feeding duties.

Breeding Season: August to October in south; November to February in north.


Sedentary as adults, but immatures form nomadic flocks.