Striated Pardalote Click to enlarge image
Striated Pardalote Image: Ken Glasson
© Ken Glasson

Fast Facts

  • Classification

Pardalotes generally feed in the canopies of tall eucalypts, making them difficult to see. However, when nesting, they are often oblivious to observers and can be easily seen flying to and from their nesting burrows as they feed in nearby trees.


The Striated Pardalote is more common than people usually think, with its call the first indication of the presence of this brightly coloured little bird. There is considerable variation in plumage characteristics across the range of this species. All birds have white eyebrows with a yellow spot in front of the eye, olive-grey backs and a white stripe in the wing. In different parts of the country, the wing stripe may be narrow or wide, the coloured spot at the front end of this stripe may be red or yellow, and the black crown may have or lack fine white stripes. Both male and female are similar in plumage. Young birds also resemble the adults, but are notably paler, particularly on the crown and face.


The Striated Pardalote is found throughout most of Australia, being absent only from the most arid areas. Like other species of pardalotes, it is found only in Australia.


Striated Pardalotes are found in almost any habitat with trees or shrubs, but favour eucalypt forests and woodlands.

Feeding and diet

Striated Pardalotes feed in the foliage in the tops of trees, although occasionally coming close to the ground in low shrubs. They eat a wide variety of insects and their larvae, which are usually captured by picking them from the surfaces of leaves. Feeding takes place in small groups and birds maintain contact with soft trills.


A sharp "tchip tchip". Contact calls: soft trills.

Breeding Behaviour

During breeding season, Striated Pardalotes form pairs or small groups of up to six birds. The nest is constructed close to the ground, usually in a tree hollow or tunnel, excavated in an earthen bank; small openings in human-made objects are frequently used. The birds display regularly at the entrance to the nesting chamber, and vigorously guard the vicinity against other pardalotes. Both sexes incubate and care for the young birds. Other members of the group may also help with the feeding of the young.

Breeding Season: June to January.