The Celestino Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science is awarded to an individual scientist who has shared their expertise with a broad audience - informing, enthusing and engaging the Australian public.



Assessment criteria

Entries should specifically address how the work entered meets the following assessment criteria.

  1. Originality (30%)

    Describe the mediums and methods employed and explain how the entrant identified and used appropriate and creative means for engagement.

  2. Scope (30%)

    Describe the breadth, diversity and depth of the public engaged.

  3. Impact and benefit (40%)

    Describe and provide evidence of successful science communication activities and their value to target audiences.

Prize specific conditions of entry

This prize is open to individual scientists only. Entrants must be practicing scientists, working in organisations that include but are not limited to research institutes, companies or universities.

The entrant must be either an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident.

Activity entered for this prize must have taken place in or been led from Australia, as defined in the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Terms and Conditions.

Activity entered for this prize must have been undertaken within two years of the Entry Deadline.

For entrants whose work has been realised over a period longer than two years due to one or more career interruptions, the two-year requirement will be extended by the length of the career interruption/s, up to a maximum of one year. Entrants who have experienced eligible career interruption/s are still required to have undertaken communication activities within two years of the Entry Deadline. The definition of ‘career interruption’ is available in the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes Terms and Conditions.

Category specific conditions of entry – Science Engagement prizes

Entrants can either enter themselves or be nominated by another person. If an entrant is nominated it is important that they provide input to the documentation supporting their nomination.

The activity entered or nominated for this prize may not be entered or nominated for another Australian Museum Eureka Prize in the same year.

Activity that has been awarded an Australian Museum Eureka Prize in the past cannot be entered again.

In addition to the prize and category specific conditions of entry all entrants need to comply with the General Terms and Conditions of Entry.

Entry materials

  1. Activity summary

    [One page (maximum); 2cm margins (minimum); Size 11 font (minimum)].

    A statement from the entrant or nominator that provides an overview of the entrant’s approach to science communication and a summary of the key communication activities they have undertaken during the previous two years. Key dates (month and year) must be included to demonstrate that the activity entered has been undertaken no more than two years prior to the Entry Deadline.

  2. Response to assessment criteria

    [Three pages (maximum); 2cm margins (minimum); Size 11 font (minimum)].

    A statement by the entrant or nominator on how the activity addresses each of the assessment criterion. The statement must include links to examples that demonstrate the communication activities. Key dates (month and year) must be included to demonstrate that the activity entered has been undertaken no more than two years prior to the Entry Deadline.

  3. Assessor reports

    [Reports must be prepared using the template provided. Two pages (maximum)].

    Three reports from assessors on how the activity addresses each of the assessment criterion. Judges rely on assessor reports to provide an additional perspective and informed opinion on the activity entered, therefore assessors should not be personally or directly involved in it. Assessors should be selected from a variety of different organisations.

    Download assessor report template (.docx or .pdf format)

  4. Curriculum vitae (CV)

    [Two pages (maximum), 2cm margins (minimum), size 11 font (minimum)].

    The CV of the entrant or nominee. Please provide a factual summary of academic and professional achievements.

How to Enter

Entries to the 2024 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes closed at 7pm AEST on Friday 12 April.

Contact the Eureka Prizes team

Your contact information will only be used to provide you with updates on the Eureka request and subscribed AM newsletters. Please read the privacy collection notice for more information about how we handle your information.