So when I got to Australia I realised, and I also talked to Professor Don Anderson, who was at Sydney Uni at the time, and I realised that, together with talking to Don, was the fauna here just wasn't known. There had never been a polychaete worker here at the Australian Museum or any other museum in Australia at that time. So I spent those first few years basically going out and collecting and I've continued to do that until very, very recently. I think I've been fortunate that I've seen probably a large proportion of the Australian coast collecting, and so we have built up an enormous collection here at the Australian Museum and it's very well curated in terms of them being registered and available, and increasingly now when we sample, we collect stuff both morphological and molecular. But it's really... I don't know how many new species I've described, but it's quite a large number. We're talking about five or 600 species in new genera, but I've also... Say for the first 20 years of my life or 20 years, perhaps 15 years of my time here, I was basically going out there and collecting and I started because I was a bit isolated here in Australia. There weren't other polychaete people to talk to, whereas I'd come out of a lab where there was something like ten or 12 people.
We used to have worm nights at the prof[essor]s house, because he was too busy to come to the lab, so once a month we'd go to his house and he'd supply the beer and the chips or something because he wanted to know what we were all doing. So suddenly I was here in Australia not knowing, with nobody to talk to. So it soon became obvious that I needed to collaborate with people. And so I started working with ecologists at Fisheries and universities and I would identify their animals for them so that when they did their ecology, they actually had proper names. And then gradually I started to attract students and some of those students have now become curators in their own right in Darwin and in Melbourne, but also attracted a lot of other PhD students, not only from Australia but from overseas to come and work with me. And I really enjoy working in that collaborative way.
So the value of our collection is, first of all, it's well curated, but it's also we make it available to other people, which really encourages people from other parts of the world to come to Australia. I mean I've just had a Spanish PhD student and he had this vision that he needed to come to Australia. And so we got him a scholarship and he's just he submitted last week. So, you know, there's a lot of attraction for people. Last year I have I have a French student who unfortunately came for nine months but had to leave because of COVID. But Nicolas said, you know, I wanted to come and work with you and collaborate and it's so much easier to talk to somebody face to face.
I think the other the other thing that I initiated, because we have these collections, was back in 1983 the museum had been having a regular series of international meetings. We had one on molluscs, one on echinoderms, and there was fish and I thought, hang on, why don't we have one on worms? We'd never had a polychaete international conference. So the year before I went around to colleagues and in Los Angeles and in Washington DC, then in London and in Europe, and I said, If I ran a conference in Sydney, would you come? "Yes please!" And this was before the Internet. So with the support of the then director Des Griffin, we got money to come and we got something like 96 people came from something like 20 countries. And we had a ball. It was just a week and then I took some of them to Lizard Island for a two week workshop. And that started, as a result of that we ended up with the International Polychaete Association, and the next meeting was in Copenhagen, and we've had meetings every three years since that.
Anyhow, back in something like 2010, we were all at Lecce in Italy and somebody said, you know, where are we going to have the next polychaete conference? And I thought OK, 30 years later, why don't we... And once I said, I'm interested in running another polychaete conference, nobody else competed. They said, "Right, we're coming." so in 2013 we had another one here in Sydney. We had 160 people at that conference and from all over the world. And these conferences you get to know people and then it's much easier to collaborate. And of course there's the internet now, which there wasn't in '83, and then we ran a workshop at Lizard Island for two weeks, and we got money from the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation, and we took 17 people to Lizard [Island] for two weeks, and we ended up describing 96 new species as a result of those two weeks. And there's more since. There's a big 900 page volume of zootaxa. But what I'm saying is that once you develop all these contacts, people say, I want to come to Sydney to work on your collections because the material's here, it's been well curated, it's got lots of labels, from a variety of habitats. So that I think it's fair to say that a significant proportion of polychaete taxonomists around the world have spent time here in Sydney. So not only is it good for them, they describe new species, but it means that our collection is continually being worked upon and that's the value of collections. We can use these collections to see how species distributions are changing over time with climate, because as the water warms, a lot of those worms are going to come further south.