Birds of Australia Gallery 2018

Scientist for a Day: Ornithologist

Image: Abram Powell
© Australian Museum

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Ages: 9-12 years

Calling all bird enthusiasts! Join us as we flock together for a day of feathered fun and discovery, exploring the fascinating world and wonders of ornithology. In an unmissable school holiday experience, come behind-the-scenes to look at the Australian Museum's research lab to see real taxidermized birds up close and meet Dr. Jacqueline Nguyen, a professional ornithologist.

With a chirp of excitement learn about the unique features of birds, including their feathers, feet, and beaks, and take part in hands-on experiments. Enjoy a guided tour of the Birds of Australia exhibition, plus take a short walk across to Hyde Park with AM supervisors for an opportunity to watch and survey local birdlife.

Don’t miss this chance to explore the world of birds and ask all your burning questions!

Dr. Jacqueline Nguyen

Jacqueline Nguyen with birds

Dr. Jacqueline Nguyen is an avian palaeontologist and ornithologist at the Australian Museum.

Image: Nick Langley
© Australian Museum

Dr. Jacqueline Nguyen is an avian palaeontologist and ornithologist at the Australian Museum and Flinders University. Her work focuses on the evolutionary history of birds, particularly songbirds. Jackie uses a combination of fossils, anatomy, and DNA to understand how birds evolved over time and across Australia.